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A Rich Vein of Light

Sometimes, usually when you least expect it, so be prepared, the gods of light smile on you. Often this is semi predictable, other times it just happens and you just need to be grateful.

On a trip up to Kanazawa from Kyoto, after we had explored all of the sights ear marked as worth while, the walk back to the station dished up some light that can only be described as “Theatrical” in nature.

It started gently enough.

Regulation random snap of a well travelled local.

Another just up the road with the usual “OK-ness” factor.

Then I started to get the feeling of something brilliant (literally and figuratively) burgeoning.

To the right..

then the left…

then the right again. Things were looking exciting, but no winner yet.

When the light takes on a character closer to a Hollywood film set you realise that the Hollywood look is only trying to control that rare perfection natural light is often stingy, but better with.

“Glow-acious” as Brett Western puts it.

Just down the road,

Then with added human element.

Content at this stage with a decent haul of morning tourist images and some more artistic ones later, I almost packed my camera away, but my wife suggested we veered left, away from the station and continued to enjoy the beautiful light.

The real mayor and city council of Kanazawa.

One of the many reasons I married her is her solid intuition.

Even the ugly can take on a majesty with good light.

On we went, seemingly unable to escape the drama and beauty of the afternoon.

Not sure where he came from, but I turned around and he was magically there.

Reassuringly, the EM1 has a similar rich and smooth highlight roll-over as the EM5. Ideal for this light.

Deeper into the tall buildings the light started to reduce in intensity.

Then it “bounced” back when we turned around to go home.

Something about that spot.

Council chambers in recess.

Then we started the walk back to the station.

Not so much a study of light, but certainly one of effort.

Still feeling it.

Finally back to beautiful station building.

As I and many others have said before.

Light is everything.

As a side note, every image was taken with the 40-150 kit lens. Probably not something I would have contemplated a few months ago, but there you go. My 75-300 would have been too long for several of the images and the 12-40 too short. The 12-100 would have been ideal and certainly optically better, but 3-4 times as heavy.