The .dng Reality?
Back when I started the Japan trips, I made a choice to do .dng copies of my files to future proof them*, then on some dark day, I culled the non .dng files from my system. This logic prevailed for the first three trips (2015-16).
The files from the first trips are nice. They seem to be a little over sharpened, but I can reduce that, but they respond well to any processing needed.
The magenta cast early EM5.1 files could have seems gone (could be C1) and the shadows come back from near blackness.
Highlights respond slowly, but do recover.
The images I seem to be responding most to are garden and landscape shots. They just seem to be more “fine art” than I previously perceived them to be.
All these images were shot hand held, using EM5 Mk1’s, with 17, 25, 45, 75 or 75-300 lenses with no filtering.
This not my usual landscape routine, if I pretend for a moment I still have one.
Ed. I have just started processing RAW files from these cameras, and it looks like C1 treats them close to the same, so ignore this :).