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Sound Practice.

Sound for me is more important than video.

Let me put that another way.

Video comes reasonably easily to me now, sound stresses and excites me in equal measure. It is quite certainly a case of superior application setting video free.

The sE sisters, the support act to the Lewitt band. There is also a soloist, some French allrounder.

So much to get wrong, but the potential for success is unlimited and to be honest, getting sound right is the ultimate “master the basics” scenario.

As I and many before me have said, sound is half of video, until it goes wrong then it is all of it.

Looking at my work flow, I have created an interesting niche.

> After matching a mic* to a subject, either a capsule or XLR feed,

> it goes into a Zoom interface (F1/H5/H8),

> which sometimes adds effects, levels, compression etc,

> is then sent to camera via a puny 3.5 stereo cable,

> and finally tweaked in Fairlight (DaVinci Resolve) to support the video.

The choke point is probably the 3.5 cable, or maybe the camera, processing, or more likely me in a form yet to be revealed.

An option is to send the audio to a DAW (digital audio workstation) via direct connection or SD card, then do a better job of editing, but to be honest, it is still only going to go to a video.

At the end of the day, the camera is the limit to my quality needs, the work up front merely designed to guarantee a good start.

Have I over done the mic thing?

Probably, but I have not spent a fortune and each is suited to a task (and darn cool).

*Type, quality, capture and handling needs from on camera shotgun to hand held dynamic.