Head too Head: Tie Prototype vs A Wing
This is an odd one. The A Wing did not seem to have an equal-opposite until I placed it next to the Prototype (a ship I only recently purchased). Up until now I saw the AW as either an interceptor with quirks or a light front line fighter.
AW 17 to 26 (31 max) vs 16 to 25 (30 max) Pro
Similarly cheap at the bottom end, these can swarm or be used as elite interceptors (I do both with the A Wing, but only have one Prototype).
Base Stats;
AW 2 3 2 2 vs 2 3 2 2 Pro
Same, same. Nothing to see here.
AW Focus, Lock, Boost vs Focus, Lock, Boost, Evade and Roll Pro
The A Wing is the fastest ship in the Rebel fleet and technically the game (Green 5 + Boost). The Prototype is very close with a white 5 and boost. It also has the almost mandatory Imperial Barrel Roll and unlike the standard Interceptor, a Lock option. Again, too close to split.
Upgrades (BB style);
AW Missiles vs Missiles Pro
Both have the useful Missile upgrade. The reason Missiles are so good on both these ships, is because of the two powerful (and cheap) agility/speed based options, Proton Rockets and Cruise Missiles. These two ships are good at maximising that payload.
AW 6 White, 8 Green vs 9 White, 7 Green Pro
AW Speed Green 5, 5 & 3/K-Turn vs Speed 5, 4/K-Turn Pro
A bit of real difference finally. The A Wing has an open invitation to manoeuvre at speed like their is no tomorrow, while the Prototype is better than most at very close quarters.
AW 6 (2 Elite) vs 4 (2 Elite) Pro
Both ships show their penchant for avoiding the enemy, and/or making the most of getting close. The A Wing has a couple of manoeuvring dynamos, the only two with EPT’s (no Test Pilot fleeces them of that double EPT, but that is BB), the Prototype only has two pilots with talents, one defensive, one offensive, but both with EPT’s. I only have one ship with 2 pilots, bought second hand to fly a 2e ship.
In my fleet, direct comparison is a little pointless. The single Prototype I have has 5 A Wing’s to deal with, but the similarities are clear. FFG has provided the true “crazy-Rebel” A Wing experience and a sinister close quarters killer in the Prototype. The A Wing stands out in Rebel circles as the fastest they can field by far and technically the fastest in the game (except the K Wing with SLAM). The Prototype, is more like a Tie Advanced with a twist.
Which appeals to me?
The A Wing has always been a sentimental favourite and my only option for a full squad. The single Prototype I have though does have an “X” factor that cannot be ignored, making an Interceptor or Tie Fighter squad stronger, like an Advanced but subtly different.
Still the A Wing I think (sooo much speed).