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Role Playing Rationalisations And Realities

Recently, I decided to switch my limited Roleplaying to d100 system games (various) only.

Ebay was tasked with selling my comprehensive collection of 13th Age, Warmachine, Savage Worlds and several other systems.

Ebay failed, mostly because I was not willing to ship the weighty books or split any sets. The pricing was fair (about 30% of new, for near new/mint condition), but the market is small in my part of the world and I am not part of a large or active group.

So, apart from some groaning shelves, what do I have?

13th Age is one of those games that comes and goes with me. If someone said “I would like to try D & D” or a fantasy role playing game in general, or if I just want a fix of level/d20/class based gaming, I would happily put it forward as a player and GM friendly option of the old warhorse. With its happy blend of old and new ideas. This one is a keeper for when the mood arises, it is also a good read, very stimulating and fun and is up to this point, complete (more books looming). The pending 13G (Glorantha) is also a perfect fit for this game. OTT enough for Glorantha, but also light and flexible enough for me to dip my toe.

Warmachine RPG is problematic. I like the system, but struggle with the strong push for using miniatures. Ironically, I have those miniatures (just not the inclination to paint them) and can always make do without as others have said they have. I have a vast collection of Warmachine the table top game, but it is my “guilt” system, sitting, mostly unused and unpainted and is now an edition out of date, but maybe one day…….

Savage Worlds is excess to my needs and fallen well out of favour. I have long ago grown tired of it’s ideas and sick of waiting for the new books to be released, many replacing the ones I have already, but thats the way of things. This is one of those heart breakers. It never really grabbed me and when it did, something always came along to block me. To me it is the “anti d100” system, geometrically opposed to my ideal game.

AIME, as a more palatable application of D&D 5e and may be re-adopted with the new version coming from a new publisher, or left as a one off, near complete with plenty to work with.

The marriage of the latest version of the oldest RPG in the world and the pillar fiction work that inspired it in the first place. This is likely going to be replaced by a second edition with new “edgy” art and feel, but will likely be fully compatible. For me, now, this one will do. I do not have all that made publication, but I do have two full campaigns and several support works. Tons to go on with.

The One Ring. Love it, may never use it. I like AIME as a game more (?!) as I find it less formulaic, but still find it hard to part with simply for it’s beauty. My feeling is, the materiel will be used as the base for a d100 game. The eye candy, story lines and character gen system are a good guide for a d100 system (probably Legend, maybe Mythras).

Much of the art and the adventures are identical to AIME and the system is very intent on policing the intent, even railroading play to an extent, and the rules are less cohesive than the later AIME system, so overall probably not my first choice, but lush aren’t they.

Traveller (Mongoose 1/2e). I really think that this is going to be pushed aside by several excellent d100 games (M-Space, Frontier Space etc).

Now for d100 games.

Mythras/Legend System is the future for many d100 paths. Really looking forward to the new Destined for supers, which I think fit it’s focus perfectly. Seasons of Death for post apocalyptic, M-Space, most historical, especially the Imperative based systems are all good tools. Each book I add, provides layers to a robust and consistent generic system. It does not fit every theme or mood, when it does, it really does.

BRP is more of a retro-low immersion version of the above, allowing more themes to be explored and lighter systems to be applied. Lots to like, lots to mine and still my go to for many games, but Mythras is generally considered the “new age” version of the same ideas. Simply put, if I want the character centric granularity of hit locations etc, then Mythras, if not, then BRP.

DwD or D00 lite is a good outlier and does what it does well. Really like The Art of Wuxia and the ability to cross-pollinate the systems.

OpenQuest is light Legend, but I feel it is also a valid d100 different system option. OQ3 has gone in a good direction for me mechanically and artistically and has a couple of the elements I like from classic RuneQuest, without the weighty legacy (Ducks!). This family of games also includes the Clockwork series by Cakebread and Walton, a favourite since release.

Warhammer 4e is a great looking system let down by some rules ambiguity, so as much as I intend to use it in some form, I will play it with a modified (simplified) systems and an open mind (hypocritical of me not to).

Warhammer 1e, worts and all is a great retro game with even more character than the new version, so it maybe it will get a go also.

Supers games are a tough area for me generally. I once trie to get all I could, and collected plenty, but the reality is, I really only like street level, supernatural, gritty and realistic themes (Batman, Dare Devil etc), so the more four coloured systems have never really appealed. Destined, Super World and other d100 games fit this well (the BGB alone can handle it), as does the d10 based Wild Talents, so most of my other games, except Hero system 3e and DC Heroes have been moved on (this was one area Savage Worlds had a small window, but only because it handles this power level better than high ones and meshed Sci Fi in well).