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Skeleton Crew Ship Overview; Scum

The last faction to look at for Skeleton Crew is Scum and Villainy. They have variety and trickery as their trademarks, which can play both ways.

They boast 2 Line Fighters (1 also a cheap swarmer), 1 Interceptor (the slipperiest), 1 Multi Role, 1 Support/Brute and 2 pure Brutes. The Scum have the most large base ships, but the slowest fleet overall.

Beautiful, killer butterflies.

Kihraxz (Workhorse/Brawler). The mainstay front line fighter for most Scum cartels and a plethora of other villainous types, the Kihraxz is often called the Scum X Wing, but in reality, it highlights the philosophical differences between the factions. Instead of Torps, you get Missiles. Instead of Droids, you get Illicit upgrades and the base stats and dial are ever so slightly different with the ability to 4 and 5 K-Turn into the face of a pursuer. The biggest difference though is cost. It is possible to fit 5 into a squad and even their dangerous top PS9 Ace is cheaper than the equivalent X Wing pilots.

Z95 Head Hunter (Versatile swarmer). Filling a similar role to the Tie Fighter, or as a cheap ordnance platform, the Z95, an older version of the X Wing, is a simple, solid and versatile ship. Unlike the Tie, it has shields and can be upgraded with both Missile and Illicit slots, making up for its disappointing dial and pedestrian action bar. A swarm of Z95’s is tougher than the same in Ties, but less fun (safer) to fly.

Star Viper (Trickster/Back Stabber). The Viper plays the role of superiority fighter for the Scum in BB. It is one of the fastest Scum ships with a speed of white 4 and Boost and boasts the S-Loop, and with Dalan the T-Roll, both unique to Scum in SC. Looking like a frantic, fragile attack butterfly, the Viper is actually as tough as the Kihraxz, can fit a load of Torps and has a decent showing of pilots.

Scurrg (Ordnance/Wildcard). The Bomber of the Scum faction, the Scurrg also offers speed, manoeuvrability and ruggedness. A strong ship with any build and very versatile, the Scurrg has Crew, Ordnance and Turret upgrades as well as a Talon Roll and red 5 top speed. Quite a package. This ship was nerfed in 2e, so live it up in this universe.

YV 666 (Party Bus/Brute). The most sluggish of all ships in SC, the YV is still a strong squad compliment or even tactical fulcrum. Lots of Crew, a Cannon, Bomb, Illicit slot and a wide primary arc, mean it is basically the cheaper Scum Decimator with different options. Crew are crucial to this ship, or you have to ask why you would take it, but even as a cheap blocker/soaker it can be useful.

Jumpmaster 5000 (Over achiever). The Jumpmaster (as printed on the original card as an early Christmas present), has a ton of upgrades to chose from. Loaded to the hilt, it can be an expensive ride, even without its Title (12 points more!). So what do you get? A Salvaged Droid, Crew, Torps x2 and an Illicit slot, also one of few Scum PS 9 Pilots and a ship that moves like a smaller ship (large base S-Loop anyone?), so in many ways it lines up directly opposite the Rebel YT 2400 as a large base wildcard. This ship was double nerfed. In 1e its teeth were pulled and then in 2e it was officially settled down. Love playing it “full noise”.

Firespray 31 (Brute). The Firespray plays the role of Bully pure and simple. The Pilots available are varied and skilled and the ship has several configurations, although lacking it’s Titles, it is less specialised. A dual arc ship, with Cannon, Bomb, Illicit and Crew slots, the builds can be, much like the YT 1300, purely about buffing this ship, or as support for the greater squad. Titles really define this ship’s various roles. Without them, the ship tends to become less extreme, but it’s still bricky, toothy and tricky with a sting in its tail.

Lots of Black Sun, some repainted Villains, Binayre Pirates and far too many Z95’s (a weakness of mine)

Unpredictability is true to the Scum ethos. They are less about supporting each other, more about going along on a hunting trip to see what comes their way. Someone inevitably gets shafted in their squads for the “greater good”, but that is how they roll. They can swarm, bully, mix it up a bit or go conservative and mimic their opponents. The beauty of this faction is, you never know what is coming.

This wraps up our overview and I hope it stimulates your enthusiasm for the game in all its forms, but more specifically the clean and balanced format that is 1e Skeleton Crew.