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The Hump.

I am on the cusp of selling my massive Hordes/Warmachine and the bulk of my Attack Wing collections.

H/WM, amounting to basically the whole 1st edition catalogue (all metal) with logical duplicates, 2e rules, the CCG and the compatible RPG, only recently finished, has been hanging over my head for the better part of a decade, filling five large plastic tubs, most still as bought, plus a shelf unit of undercoated figs and a decent amount of shelf space. Some things just get out of hand.

I really liked the idea of the RPG, but needing minis pushed me to quite disliking the game. It is theoretically playable without, as any RPG can be, but it does break the core game assumptions a little. I could have held onto my 3e set and have now to resist the shiny new 5e one, but I think after all this time, it is just good to walk away completely.

Time and painting skill were the enemies. Beautiful minis can do that, make you wait for the perfect time, when your skills and time align. This will never happen without another force at work, like a playing group or some early success. I did not have either. Ironically, my interested was peaked again recently with the discovery of contrast paints, but I will let fate decide (sold, for about as much as the RPG cost, but better than letting it sit).

Attack Wing is going to a player who wants to get into Star Trek.

My favourite later ship and series.

He chose a part of my collection only (no Voyager or Enterprise series), over an even better deal for Fed Commander et al, which I am actually happy about. Fed Commander/Starmada/ACTA are back on my radar, now with a nice, neat little bit of AW as an option.

Enterprise was always a favourite (yeah I know I am on my own here) and Voyager is one of the more harmonious AW sets. I am keeping the Tactical Cube, a Marquis, 2 Tholians and 2 Species 8742 ships for scenario play (the rules of time and dimensional travel at work). To be honest, this would have been my “start again” set anyway, so ideal.

Weird little guys, great for scenario play and they appear everywhere.

After deeply diving into AW, my desire to play faction and era specific games only allows me to split the sets and to be honest, AW does not have the ship stat variety that X Wing has, so as long as I have decent spread of abilities and upgrade options, less is more.

The Borg etc are also effectively two power levels. On one hand, the entire allied Enterprise era fleet (or Xindi) would struggle against one Tac cube, on the other hand Voyager alone is out of her league, so scary Borg (and Sp. 8742).

Enterpirse series has some lovely ships and all but one is roughly in scale.

Having a huge collection has also allowed me to keep some duplicate cards from other eras. The early Romulans, Klingon and even Earth (classed as Federation, which is technically incorrect), get some wild cards. The Enterprise for example has a couple of TOS tactical cards, the Romulans also.

Attack Wing is more upgrade dependant than X Wing in that the ships have little variation,especially on their action bars, but generally more upgrades, especailly Crew, which has the effect of making tougher ships.