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Why I Do It

I had a great chat with a customer today about the merits of various mirrorless brands from the perspective of a landscape and/or travel-street shooter. This is the stuff I turn up to work for.

Keen on seeing if the Sony range suited (no real lens size relief), as he was a full frame user, then the Fuji range, then to both of our surprise, looking at the M43 range (interested).

Using a Pentax K-1, he is well serviced in the full frame arena with a camera/brand that is a bit of a sleeper in Australia, but well love in other parts of the world, but weight is a consideration when traveling (his kit maxes out the carry on limit) and for hikes to out of the way places when the elements are against him . Like many of us he is not a full time photographer, so has to make the most of his precious time.

I gave him a few sites to look at to reduce his jump off jitters (been there) and included my own site to their more esteemed company.

So, Hi Scott from Ulverstone if you are reading, here is a crop from a recent shoot from a purely qualitative perspective. The cameras and techniques were (unless otherwise stated), the EM1 or Pen F, with the 12-100 f4 hand held, with normal resolution Raw to jpeg Lightroom, minor processing, mostly a gentle pre-set and a little brush work on the centre. No doubt a better Photoshop exponent could do more.

The “A3” size crop

The “maxed out” crop.

And another of my muse Miss Daisy.

original 12-100 and EM-1

Crop from the standard res version.

Crop from the high res 50mp jpeg version.

Hope this helps.