Post Japan Gear Thoughts
Back from Japan and thinking on gear.
What got me through?
The EM1 with the kit 40-150 did the lion’s share of the image making. The camera is a little big for close-in work (the pen is for that), but battery and camera reliability are good. If I were to upgrade anything in these same circumstances, it would likely be to the Panasonic 35-100 pro. The size is similar and weight tolerable, which is important, but the extra aperture speed would be nice from a creative and practical standpoint.
Quality wise the kit lens is outstanding, regardless of price and build considerations. Prints made from this lens do not need excuses or considerations. They are fine.
he next most used combination was the EPM-2 mini with 17mm lens. This did exactly what was needed. It was fast, in-obtrusive and very functional (except for my regular issues getting the camera straight). The only issue I have with the lens is some flare, likely due to the lower end filter I have on it.
The final piece to the kit, was the 12-40, that was great for general scenic images, but too big and a little heavy for street and long travel days.
The little 45mm was hardly used, which is a shame, but there was little need. Maybe in winter or bad weather I would have pulled it out, but not this trip.