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Inevitable Fallout Or Revitalised Interest?

Star Wars Armada, a game I will go on record as saying is more grown up and deeper than X Wing (there I said it), is going into hibernation.

Recycled image, showing black painted bases (but clear stems)

This hibernation is simply a manufacturers cessation of development, not supply, but it may be the start of a steady decline or even panic dumping or buying. It will not kill the die-hard communitie’s interest and like many things taken away before their time, may even re-kindle some interest (I believe if I had read this news before I dabbled, I may well have leapt in just in case).

My own interest has stalled lately as well. I totally underestimated how deep my flagging interest was in painting figures, usually a malaise that arrives with the winter cold, but it has bitten pretty deeply this time. With fleets assembled, the fighters have been sitting and staring at me since undercoating. Ironic really as it was the fighters that got me into the game. Personally, I believe if FFG had made more effort to make the fighters either semi painted or even coloured in a such a way they could go without, the game would have been more popular.

Thinking on my future with the game, I revisited my fleet lists with the loaded question of “so if it stops here, am I ready to settle?”. The answer is confusing and far from clear. Yes I have two well balanced and flavoursome fleets that fit perfectly with the Rim campaign setting, plus two smaller, balanced fleets of Clone Wars factions. I decided to gently flesh them out. No plan, just a desire to chase some of the ships I could not get a few months ago.

More Corvettes for the Rebels? Hammerheads work better in 3’s or more and CR-90’S are so common in the universe that more always feel right.

The odd looking Imperial Interdictor with it’s high tech tricks? Hard to find and maybe too odd for a small fleet with an Onager already.

Maybe a great big battleship for the Reb’s? Hmmmm, not sure it fits my vision.

Another Gladiator, just to balance points and because I really like them? The Imperials don’t feel right with a strong medium ship spine. That’s the Rebel thing. Bigs and fighters are the Imperials style, with the odd support ship.

Hold out for another Raider? Scarce as and likely to get even more so.

More fighters? Hell no, I have plenty to paint now! On a more practical level, they are plentiful enough now for my fleets.

If the super rare Aquitens comes up, maybe one or two.

For the Clone Wars, maybe another pair of starters.


I always think, if a choice is too hard to make, then don’t make it, but time may not be on my side here.

In the end, the Chimaera ISD with the Gauntlet fighters and the Profundity MC75 Cruiser for the Rebels. The Chimaera was one that eluded my when I started out, but the MC75 on the other hand is good value and easily found.

These two add more big ship depth to both fleets (read some big ship representation for the Rebels), give the Empire a slight points boost, which they need* and both offer several build types. The MC75 also allows the Rebel player to play more conservatively if wanted, fighting head to head with big ships, rather than being consigned automatically to the role of the Shark vs the Whale.

I struggle with the other big Rebels ships, because, well, they are not big enough and I don’t take to them cosmetically. It’s a game, I know, but Home One is about half the size it should be even at the bigger ships compressed/smaller ships embiggened scales of Armada. The MC75 feels and looks right, especially next to the Assault Frigate, which I also struggle to accept as the flagship of the Rebel fleet.

In the Imperials, I have pretty much all I like for them, so a different take on the ISD and the ability to field two versions (there are 4, all very different), just feels “Imperial”. I also feel each sub-fleet should have one full sized SD as flag (2 ISD’s and the Onager). I also lack a dedicated carrier, so the ISD’s act as fighter control.

*On the table, my rebel flea-circus fleet looks pathetic against the supported ISD and Onager, but points wise, they are actually ahead.