Testing times

Poor Pepper (or Miss Daisy as we sometimes call her).

My obsessive testing regime needs consistency, so poor Pep has been my muse for the last few years. I don't think dogs can roll their eyes, but if they have an equivalent, I reckon I cop it a lot.

This image came from my slightly manic "Lets go back to full frame Canon" period. After shooting various subjects for a weekend with a 6D, EM5 and XE-1, I had convinced myself I needed full frame again. In my last test the strong afternoon light through our bedroom window and a content, sun chasing hound allowed just one more test to confirm my move.

It back fired brilliantly.

I fired off about 10 properly aimed shots with the 6D and an 85 f1.8 and then grudgingly about the same with the OMD and various lenses, all wide open. On inspecting the images, the Canon's shots missed focus and showed twitchy exposure more often than not. Much as I had been expecting, but avoiding in my previous tests, but still the results rattled me. Looking at the Olympus images, I was bemused, but not surprised that all of the images, regardless of lens, had focussed on the eye. The depth of field at f1.8 was more forgiving, the lenses were sharper and the odd exposure miss cue was salvageable and fully avoidable (I was being lazy to the point of unfair to the Olympus, shooting one handed while holding the Canon in the other hand and not "pre chimping" as I had pretty much made up my mind to move on).

The bit of fringing on the collar disc is not "CA", but a greenish colour cast by a slightly tinted, hardened glass window (it is in every shot to some extent, often showing up in fine hair highlights). The chosen shot was taken with the EM5 (stay of execution) and the amazing 75 f1.8.

This image has been enlarged to 20"x30" and still has plenty of legs (you can clearly count the hairs in her top eye lid). Bye bye full frame. 

Of the images below, the middle one is the original file before a bit of post processing. The one on the left is with the 25mm showing colour consistency.