High Drama

Walking outside, going to the car to get some dinner, the light was blinding across the garage roof.

Looking up, all I could see at first was glare, but as the clouds moved diffusing the light, a world of drama was revealed. I raced inside to grab a camera (a pretty random act usually, but I got lucky with a card and battery loaded OMD with 75mm attached). Out I came again and luckily, the light was much as I left it. This summer has been long, dry and hot, but has dished up some powerful spring/autumn like cloud formations.

I could not describe a more pedestrian looking vista of a garage roof, power lines and suburbia if allowed to intrude in the image above, but excluded, the true heroes are allowed to shine. 

The whole show lasted a few minutes until the sun was fully hidden by cloud, but who cares when you get a chance to see natures' brilliance from you front yard.