The other format that I find more genuine and less compromised is the cinematic or semi panoramic one.
The human eyes see naturally into a panoramic or wide screen format. There is a reason films are shot in 16:9 ratio or wider. It looks awesome and feels natural.
For stills, it has an amazing feeling of depth and drama, forcing the shooter to use the whole frame width to tell a story. Rather than the rather ambiguous semi wide 3:2 or semi square 4:3 ratios, the true cinematic super wide commits to a look that is far stronger, but more demanding.
You cannot often lift a super wide from a rectangle (all of these were), but the pixel wastage can be crippling (as can paper wastage).
This “Super-Cine” format can do what normal rectangles fail to do. It can create drama on an epic scale.
Depth can be used, but also the full width can tell a story from end to end.
The sweeping landscape suddenly emerges from even confined spaces.