Watch any current Hollywood or upper end TV production at the moment and you will see, more or less, a lot of ‘complimentary colour” technique. The current combination “on trend” is Teal and Amber or something close. I think one reason these two are so often used is they are commonly found in highlights with Anamorphic lenses, but it is likely more primeival, representing the sky and fire.
The clean, cool brilliance of Teal blue-green contrasted with the euphorically warm and comforting Amber, is addictive and a lot of current movie makers seem to have the addiction.
My wife is getting a little sick of my pointing out how it is used, but just in the last few weeks we have seen so many examples of theis. “The Responder” set in a night shift UK city setting is effectively shot exclusively with a tense contrast of these, the latest “Bond” movie, Star Trek, Most Marvel movies, to “Van De Valk” and even the last series of “Vera”, a show not often taken to using visual tricks, and so many more, use these two colours (or similar) to set and balance mood.
Meg in Melbourne. This is the little 17 f1.8 wide open and razor sharp in close. Love this lens.
Ticket shock.
The most common combination available to us all every sunny morning.