Am I deluding myself with my cheap Oliphant?
Who would know this is not heavy duty canvas skillfully textured?
The length in particular does something unexpected. It makes my tiny 8’ studio floor seem irrelevant. It could be a corner of an aircraft hanger or a New York loft as far as viewers are concerned, so it can be added to the range of “small studio tricks”.
So far my brush mask manipulations have been crude, but the image above was produced with minimum intrusion.
With a little more work the results can be seamless.
An easy conversion to mono.
Realistically this is itch scratched. I did not ever envisage heavy use of this type of backdrop, but it is awesome to be able to just literally roll it out.
The whole 4m length is easy to roll up, stores well, is easy to maintain, being furniture grade covering, is light to carry, but heavy enough so wrinkles fall out easily. If it came in 4m wide bolts, it would be perfect. Surface texture is very close to my Kate microfibre, with a similar mild sheen and softness, but unlike the Kate, wrinkles do fall out of it within minutes of hanging, leaving a fake, but hard to pick worn-canvas look.
Art? No, just fun.