Surprised Them All

I did some golf today.

Last time the big 300 and my 40-150 f4 went, but I felt after running around a hot golf course, that the 75-300 “sneaky little cheat lens” would have done. A no tracking, good light environment is it’s happy place.

So, I took a punt (and a literal load off my back), going with one camera and one kit lens.


From this,

to this.

and again,

to this.

Plenty to print, more than needed for web use. I could shoot wide for banner and cropping options, still providing enough quality to get in close. Effectively three or four different imge options per shot.

My favourite of the day (shame I only got half the ball). Capture 1 managed to salvage this from slight softness, when the focus hit the foreground bush and only depth of field saved it.

Really need to get my volunteer stuff sorted. Horse racing fashions, golf and politics are not doing it (and this morning I had a combination of two, yesterday the other).