My Recent Past In Retrospect Part 3

Some jobs were genuinely fun and often the result of taking the advice of another.

Rob Shaw, the senior sports reporter/sub-editor, a long term journo, was always appreciative of my desire to improve and explore.

On his suggestion, I hopped on the back of a moped at the state junior cycling team training camp and had the team follow for a couple of laps.

Insert me, vespa rear (facing backwards) and you have to idea.

Aware that I was the only part of the machine not perfectly in tune, I spent the first lap getting balanced and comfortable, then started shooting. My weapon of choice was the G9 (mk1) and 9mm lens set to f2.8 and manual focus at about 2 ft. Turns out 2 inches would have also worked.

With a 9mm lens on a M43 camera, the perceived distance is elongated. At one point I may had actually touched a wheel and the riders in the shot above were only 3-6 inches away.

This was the rider I may have contacted. The hands are about 2-3 inches from lens end.

No matter how good a shot idea is and how well it comes out, you need variety.

Go long-go wide is a good starting point.