Odd matchup? Maybe, but these two (especially with the K Wing excluded from BB), actually have much in common.
Not a regular occurrence but infinitely more likely with a Punisher to chase.
BW 22 to 31 (64 max) vs 21 to 27 (73max) TP
Ok, the elephant in the room is a maxed out Punisher, just sitting there waiting to be well….punished! The B Wing is more expensive out of the gate, the Punisher potentially as dear as a large ship. Realistically, both would likely come in at 30-40 points, but with 7 slots to fill, there is much to ponder. The 4 B and a Z95 squad has proven itself over time and in BB may be one of the strongest options. The Punisher on the other hand tends to sit in a difficult over/under costed 3 ship squad. The reality is, the Punisher is best in a mixed squad, the B Wing massed cheaply or as a scrappy finisher.
Base Stats;
BW 3 1 3 5 vs 2 1 6 3 TP
The Punisher has more health, but the B Wing has some of the strongest shields on the game. The native 3 primary is as relevant as ever, even though the Punisher is an ordnance platform.
BW Lock, Roll, Focus vs Focus, Lock, Boost TP
The B Wing takes on the traditional role of the Empire with a Roll (one of few available to the Rebels) and the Punisher is one of the few Imperials that cannot Roll, but Boost helps it’s drop and run role. A bit of role reversal can be healthy.
Upgrades (BB style);
BW 2 Torp, Cannon, System vs 2 Missiles, 2 Torp, 2 Bomb, System TP
Both offer a Systems slot, but the way they will use them is very different. The Punisher will likely take something Ordnance based (Trajectory Simulator or Minefield Mapper), while the standard build for the B Wing is to boost close in fighting (Fire Control System or Advanced Sensors). Plenty of Ordnance options for both, but again, the Punisher will load up on projectiles (Unguided Rockets are popular and Empire limited in BB) while the B Wing can go either that way (Nera is lethal with Torps), or add a Cannon for close combat.
BW 5 White, 4 Green, 5 Red vs 7 White, 5 Green, 2 Red TP
BW Speed Red 4, 2 K-Turns vs Speed 3, 4 K-Turn TP
With the Punisher’s boost option, both ships are similar in maximum speed, but the B Wing has the tightest K Turn in BB. At speed two it is more like an S-Loop, pushing the role of the ship closer to a close quarters knife fighter role than long range jouster. The Punisher has more white and green moves than the BW, but is otherwise slow and fairly conventional.
BW 6 (4 Elite) vs 4 (no Elite) TP
An aggressive lot, the B Wing and Punisher jockeys are strong on attacking options, but lack any manoeuvre or support options, except EPT’s (if used). Both aces for the Punisher are very Ordnance supportive, the B’s have all sorts of tricks, but it is safe to say, these ships are first strike or finishers, not lurkers. The B Wing has more than it’s fair share of EPT slots, the Punisher, being a bigger ship, has none.
Very different ships these two, yet similar in many ways. Offering Systems slots in BB makes them stand out, not just in their class (multi-role), but in BB in general. This means that a player including them has access to some interesting and rare upgrades. The Punisher differentiates itself from the more straight forward Bomber here and the B Wing from any other Rebel fighter other than the E Wing, but is quite a different machine to others. They can take punishment, dish it out and mix it up a bit, but what ever role they take, they can be squad defining.