13G Pending, Excitement Rising

Oh what a difference a month can make.

About five weeks ago, 13th Age (along with several others) was on the way out. Not entirely sure what I was thinking, but let’s blame the mid winter funk.

No sale, phase one complete.

Soooo glad I still have it (not so much the other systems, but oh well).

I could lift an image of 13G, but I will wait until it is here.

I could lift an image of 13G, but I will wait until it is here.

Phase two of this odd journey came to its full flowering with my out of character ordering of 13th Age Glorantha. Ordering another RPG book is not out of character, but this one was.

I have and have played Runequest and derivatives, but only systemically, only by name, not thematically, not Glorantha. I have had no interest in that venerable old world, which, to give it it’s due, is one of the oldest and most original RPG settings ever widely supported.

On top of that I am a self confessed d100 fan, almost to the exclusion of all other systems. These started with Runequest!

The acceptance, the need even, for 13th Age, as a direct foil to my preferred d100 style systems, has opened the door to 13G. So, a d20 D&D system and Glorantha combined. A heady mix for a simulation-ist gamer with no love of all things d20.

I feel, and some others seem to think the same, that 13A is possibly a better vessel for the over the top game style needed for a high-saga game world like Glorantha. It is a zany place, needing a very free and open style of game that scales effortlessly.

Come on in 13th Age.

Ironically the makers of the world itself have sometimes struggled to fit the world into d100 “realist” mechanics. The reality is, a character limited to the logical d100 game will really need to be a hero on a Heroquest, because they are up against the wall from the get go. Survival for these characters is going to be genuinely legendary, because of how unlikely it is. One unlucky hit and off goes an arm or even a head. Not un-heroic, but unlikely to spawn winners in proportion to grizzly deaths.

This prompted the creators to write Heroquest, a more story-driven style game, set as a looser power structure to allow the intrinsic RQ Heroquests to be accomplished more (less?) realistically.

13A takes the “squishier” D&D abstract mechanics and adds the needed story telling elements that will bring Glorantha alive. Unlike the new RQG set that is very heavy in crunch and finely controlled fidelity to the vast history it represents, 13G may actually be able to tap into the equally valid early 80’s feel of free flowing fun and explorative adventure many old players of Glorantha miss.

Using a new and more streamlined game system, 13A can empower players without being too weighed down by that massive legacy, but also be open enough to allow any player of any Gloranthan experience level to enjoy it at the level they need. For this 13G is a departure and a welcome one.

It got me in.

I am also intending to lift what I want to regular 13A, which is officially sanctioned by the writers who consider it a resource book for any world and maybe even try a cross-over (ancient pre 13A, ancient Age?).

Genuinely excited now, I was only an interested completist when I ordered it a few days ago.

It is a great big beautiful world out there, especially if you open your mind to new possibilities.