Skeleton Crew Actions; Target Lock

The next Action we will look at in the stripped down form of X Wing that is Skeleton Crew, is the Target Lock.

The brains trust of the Rebel fleet.

The brains trust of the Rebel fleet.

All ships except for the Tie Fighter and Interceptor, who take a trade off a TL for better manoeuvre Actions, at reasonable cost, have access to Target Lock Actions. Locks are a better offensive option than Focus and are the only Action that does not drop off at turns end, but lack the option of being switched to defence (with some exceptions) and they are generally mandatory for launching Torpedoes and Missiles (again there are exceptions).

First, the other elements that effect all or most actions in general;

  • Vader gets 2 actions with no strings!

  • Tycho gets actions even when stressed.

  • Lando gives a free action out after a green move.

  • Wes can strip tokens from his targets.

  • Advanced Sensors System upgrade changes the action/move order.

  • Dark Curse strips all attackers of mods.

  • Emperor Palpatine allows any one dice to be modified per turn.

  • Contraband Cybernetics allow s you to take a stress for an action after a red move.

  • Manaroo allows token sharing with a friend.

  • Auto-blaster Cannons and Turrets ignore defence effects.

Now to TL’s.


Rebels with any TL effects in SC are limited mostly to Y and X Wing Pilot and Droid combo’s, but can often combine these.

  • R7’s can spend theirs to force an enemy attack re-roll, so they act like a better Focus option.

  • R7-T1 grants a free TL with a bonus Boost after.

  • R5-K6 allows a re-roll to try to regain a spent TL.

  • Tarn Mison gets a free one on his attacker.

  • Hobbie clears stress if he gains one.

  • Dutch Vander can share his.

  • Han (crew) can spend his TL to turn all Focus to hits.


The Empire are the only faction with ships lacking a native TL option in SC. The Fighter and Interceptor are “fly by the seat of your pants” bare bones fighters with good speed and Action bars, but lack a TL. Otherwise the Imperials are pretty normal users of TL effects.

  • Cmdr Alozen gets a free one at range 1.

  • Lt Colzet may spend one to flip a damage card.

  • Col Jendon can share one (including giving them to non TL capable ships).

  • Capt Kagi can draw an enemy TL off a friend.

  • Systems Officer can share one with a friend.

  • Rebel Captive forces stress on a Rebel attacker if they gain a lock.


The Scum run similarly to the Empire again, using their Lock’s for more nefarious things.

  • Latts Razzi may trade Lock to reduce enemy Agility (sucker punch).

  • R4 -B11 can spend theirs to force target re-roll.

  • R4 Agromech may trade up focus to a Lock.

  • K4 Security Droids grant a free one after a green move.

  • Bossk (crew) gains one after a missed attack.


  • Fire Control Systems give an automatic free Lock on the same target after an attack.

  • Weapons Engineer grants 2 at once.

Target Locks have fewer buffs than Focus actions, which is to be expected I guess as they are more powerful, if less versatile.

Next up, Barrel Rolls, Evades and Boosts.