Skeleton Crew; Who Rules This Space

Ok, who are the real killers and likely survivors in this tight format?

All things are relative, but better does still float to the top, without, in this form of the game, becoming effectively untouchable. Soontir is the top flyer, but without Mods (Auto Thrusters, Stealth Device), Title (Royal Tie) and EPT’s (PTL), he can still be tagged by anyone. With fewer mods and ship choices, the player has to look more at the squad synergies available. With more points to spend, players may well find some workable combos that rarely see table time now.


Wedge. PS 9 and the powerful ability to strip a target of 1 Agility. He has Torpedoes for the killer blow and can take a Droid (R2-D2/F2 or R7-T1). With few mitigating options for an opponent like Stealth Device, Auto Thrusters, Cloaking, Vectored Thrusters or an EPT, Wedge is a solid predator.

Wes. PS 8 and the ability to strip a token is almost as brutal as Wedge, if you already have Wedge that is.

Tycho. PS 8 and the ability to ignore stress. This only really means K-Turning with no penalty in this form of the game or ignoring some other combat effects like Mara, Tactician, some Ordnance. Great for delivering Prockets or Cruise Missiles on the flip.

Any B Wing Ace. PS 6-8, with Advanced Sensors or Fire Control Systems (unique in SC for a small ship), lots of Shields, double Torps, tight turns and all Pilots sporting a decent offensive buff. This is the Rebels best jouster, a true superiority fighter for the SC environment.

Han. PS 9. Top prize for tanky brute goes to Han with Assault or Cluster Missiles, C3-PO and Chewie for durability or Luke for offence.

Lando. PS 7 best support, goes to Lando with Nein and Leia or Han.

Jan. PS 8 Jan with Kyle can buff friends and loves the stress they take. Add TLT for some real bite. Optionally replace Kyle with Mercenary Co-Pilot or Tail Gunner for more Turret value.


Darth Vader. PS 9 and 2 Actions. Add Missiles and he is the best at getting into position to use them or flipping out of trouble (the Dark Side of The Force is with him).

Soontir Fell. PS 9 and stress accrued comes with a bonus Focus. The best action bar in the game and some reward for pushing hard is a shadow of the full noise, maximum upgrade version in full 1e, but he was basically an un-killable monster, nearly a game breaking one. Palpatine in a shuttle or Decimator or a Systems/Fleet Officer can provide more power including the missing Lock.

Any other Interceptor Ace. PS 5-8, with the best action bar in this game and cheap for it. Add in Fleet Officer for support and they get free focus, or Systems Officer for a Lock making their Action bar complete.

Rr Admiral Chiraneau. PS 8, is a strong pilot for the toughest ship in this game. His ability re-empowers the nerfed Turret Primary and he generally fires first, so with 3 Crew slots to fill, he is a safe ride for Palpatine or others. Ysanne as an example adds an Evade option to this otherwise ponderous ship.

Cmdr Kenkirk. PS 6, to increase the life span for the Decimator, just add Ysanne, Mara Jade and/or Moff Jerjerrod (coincidentally the three crew in its expansion) to make it very tanky.


Talonbane Cobra. PS 9, 5d base attack at range 1 and 4d defence at range 3. Add Missiles (Homing, Assault or Cluster) for range 2 impact and an Illicit slot for real unpredictability (Inertial Dampeners, Hotshot Blaster or maybe Glitterstim). He can Yo-Yo in and out of range until he gets the job done and low the ordnance if caught in the middle ground.

Dengar. PS 9, with free counter attacks. The Jumpmaster is also the only Scum ship that can take a Salvaged Droid so it can counter attack, force defensive re-rolls, take all green 3 moves etc. Throw in a crew member like Intelligence Agent and it’s incredible dial can shine or Weapons Techs for its Torps.

Kath Scarlett. PS 7, with Tail Gunner makes fly-throughs lethal (4-5 attacking die, vs -1 Agility).

Boba Fett. PS 8, with attacking re-rolls if enemies are near. Add Tail Gunner, K4’s or Outlaw Tech, maybe Bossk for when you miss or Dengar for more re-rolls.

Guri. PS 5, armed with Advanced Proton Torps at range 1 is a handful and range 1 is always a possibility with the slipperiest dial in SC. Free Focus, Lock and another Focus.

Moralo Eval. PS 6 can use the Heavy Laser Cannon over a 90 degree arc, with Hotshot blaster, Dengar for re-rolls and Jabba to use the Hotshot again.

Bossk. PS 7, can also use the same Heavy Laser Cannon and add 2 hits for one (wasted) crit rolled with Dengar for re-rolls.

Some rules applied to this format.

  • A squad should not be made up of more than 2 types of ship unless Scum.

  • Squads will be from 60-120 points and have turn limit optionally applied.

  • Rebel and Imperial squads may optionally have up to 1/3 of their points spent on a single Scum mercenary, as an ally or bounty hunter. Scum then Imperials pick first.

  • Games should be based a scenario as often as possible.

  • Primary Turrets are limited to range 1-2 and have no range mods.