Meg and I went into town the other day, not to shop, but just to wander, but I got my gaming radar pinged by a few things that have been circling for a while.
The first was War of Whispers. This was soon researched down to The KIng Is Dead, which is similar, but not as expensive and probably more in my “sell-able” wheel house, but it fell away when I pondered the real chance of it being played.
The other game system was one I bounced off a while back, but did not click with the theme, nor the feel, but there were a few factors at play.
A break from the deliberately unmatched sets, this one struck a chord, because it made sense.
The system is Unmatched and the reason for it bouncing off my radar previously, even though the reviews are universally good to glowing was (a) I did not like the random mix of characters and (b) it came along too soon after I researched and rejected Disney Villainous. Somehow, it got caught up in the negative vibes I developed for DV, which is unfair, but I really did not take to the mix of characters.
What changed?
Cobble and Fog, which seems to be generally accepted as the best singe set for variety, theming and balance.
This was researched, ordered and I sat back happily. Then Etsy popped up, almost freakishly, almost feindishly, with some sidekick models, which I bought, costing nearly as much as the game itself.
Soon after, stimulated by more reading up, I found the Marvel Hells Kitchen expansion, which is a fave. This gave me an odd pairing of a modern supers and Victorian era Gothic horror sets.
I searched further afield and found the two Jurrassic Park sets (Raptors, Rex and those puny scientists). Apart from being thematically matched, they can also be swung as realistic opponents for both modern Supers and Victorian Sleuths and Vagabonds.
Vexed by choices I made a chart (always a theraputic thing). This chart showed me that there are several paths to expansion.
I could go down the path of the two Legends sets and the two, later three pairs boxes, which would put me into the mainstream tournament groove, but not a place I really get.
If I cut out the second Legends set, I would possibly miss out on 4 interesting characters, but they seem to be tournament faves, so maybe too strong. Legends 1 and the two satelite boxes keep the whole thing in the Ye Olde British fairytales and legends envelope, with a only a few exceptions (Sinbad and Medusa).
I could stick to themed sets only (as they come), giving me a mostly Marvel supers collection, with C&F as an alternate, maybe Buffy also*.
I could just stop here, with my favourite three sets, sidekicks inclued, some cross-over potential and bide my time (and actually play the game!). I do have my Heroclix figure supers game, X Wing, Attack Wing, Wings of War, Sails of Glory, Zombicide and my massive Malifaux sets to play also, so no shortage of 1 on 1 options.
The competative circuit as of recently places the bulk of fighters below the top few from the second Legends and the Red Riding Hood/Beowulf packs, as much so as they rate the Buffy and original Legends sets as generally weak, so going themed release sets only, seems to have retained mid level game balance, while still giving me a good range of mechanics and it just feels right.
Each set can stand on it’s own two feet, but I can also make acceptable combos.
They are also good sets for 1v1v1, 2v2, 4 all in or even 3x3 games.
Foggy London slug-fests between Sherlock, Watson and The Invisible Man vs Rampant Dinoes, Modern Supers vs same, or Electra and her Ninjas or Dare Devil vs Dracula. Lots of options, with few top tier ranked fighters and none that have all the answers (or no answers at all).
Something I really like about this game is the depth and balance it seems to offer. Everyones top ”X” list is different. A loathed character by one reviewer is top tier with another. It really is that well designed.
*I did order the Buffy set, the one set that gets the least favourable tournament level reviews, but two things put me off, so I have requested a cancellation.
First, it is universally thought of as the weakest expansion with Buffy a simple, two dimensional brawler and the other three characters considered sub-par. I do not intend to play competitively, but even so, it is hard to get past the weakness of some of these characters compared to the more lethal or balanced ones I have coming. If it is too late I can deal, and the characters seem to play well within their own set.
Secondly, I cannot buy Etsy “sidekick” models for it, which just sucks. I could just cut my losses there with the Hells Kitchen and C&F sidekicks, but it is annoying.