The Scum in Bare Bones.
So much variety, so many dirty tricks. The Scum lack a native speed 5 ship, but have plenty of manoeuvre options including S-Loops and through Dalan, a BB unique Talon Roll.
The Scum are the true “middle men”, sitting between the two extremes of solid Rebels and flighty Empire, with a little of each and some bespoke surprises.
The Scum are also split into sub-factions. Black Sun Cartel, Tansarii Militia, Binayre Pirates, Hutt Cartel and general freelance mercs and bounty hunters. The Empire and Rebels may take one faction and freelancers (up to less than half their total squad points). Two Scum factions may also combine with any number of freelancers.
The backbone of the faction, the quirky Star Viper, solid Kihraxz and cheap, but hard to ignore Head Hunter, all custom paint jobs.
The Kihraxz.
The main Scum fighter is the Kihraxz, basically their X-Wing equivalent, but with some important differences. One of the main ones is the ability to field 5 basic ships, something the X-Wing and Tie Advanced cannot do (in BB).
Low Rent Thugs
100pts 5x Kihraxz; Cartel Marauders
The Z-95 Head Hunter.
Cheap enough to match an eight ship Tie Fighter swarm in theory, the reality is the 12 point option (Binayre Pirate) is limited to 4 by canon. Regardless, the ability to mix Missiles and Illicit upgrades means they can take on a ton of different facades.
Binayre Pirates
40 Fire Spray; Kath Scarlett + Flechette Cannon
60 4x Z-95; Binayre Pirate + Flechette Torpedoes* + Black Market Slicer Tools
*The Binayre Pirates were actually fitted with Flechette Cannons as a cost expediency, but Flechette Torps will work much the same for the same cost.
Binayre Pirates at work.
Star Viper.
The lethal killer butterfly that is the Star Viper brings some nifty moves, as well as a rare Boost, making it one of the closest things the Scum have to an interceptor in BB. It may look fragile, but has the same constitution as the Kihraxz and some of the many pilots are interesting. The Black Sun quintet is solid, but Thweek (mimic) and Dallan (Talon Roll) are even better.
Black Sun Rises
35pts Star Viper; Xisor (7) + Plasma Torpedoes
36pts Star Viper; Guri (5) + Advanced Proton Torpedoes
29pts Kihraxz; Black Sun Ace (5) + Glitterstim + Cluster Missiles
The ship is ugly, slow and sluggish, but cannot be under estimated. The “party bus” takes three Crew, something the Scum have some decent options in. With Illicit upgrades, it can deploy Inertial Dampeners for a full stop three times in a row with a double application (Jabba) and it’s own full stop. A wide arc Primary, even wider with Eval and a high constitution.
Big Guns Blazing
50pt Aggressor; IG-88B (6) + HLC + ABC + Fire Control System
50pt YV-666; Moral Eval (6) + Heavy Laser Cannon + IG-88D + Dengar
Sharing is caring
The ship that Boba Fett flew is also the ride of several names. Plenty of Ordnance and Crew options, even without its two Titles, the Firespray is a brute (see below and above).
Not a nice spot, but thankfully for the JM5000, Fang Fighters are not in BB.
JumpMaster 5000 (as printed)
Yep, leaving it as printed, which makes up for the lack of Title to some extent. It is a weird ship and in BB a powerful one. You see it has a limp, favouring left hand moves, even a white S-Loop no less, but suffers on the right. This is also the only ship in BB that can take a Salvaged Droid, limited to three named choices in BB.
Right Hand Man
43pts JM 5000; Dengar + 2 Plasma Torpedoes + Slicer Tools + R4-B11 + Bossk
56pts Firespray; Boba Fett + Heavy Laser Cannon + Thermal Detonator + Concussion Misslies + Inertial Dampeners + Latts Razzi
IG-2000 Aggressor
What an interesting ship. It is slow it seems, but a green 3 on a large ship with Boost, is basically speed 5. The dial is as green as a young spruce, it has an Evade, Systems, Bomb and two Cannon slots. The Cannons are interesting as some have a “hole” in their range, so the IG’s can have a close and long range option.
Auto-bots Are Go
50 Aggressor; IG-88B + Heavy Laser Cannon + Autoblaster Cannon + Fire Control System
50 Aggressor; IG-88C + Advanced Sensors + Seismic Charges + Mangler Cannon + Autoblaster Cannon
The Scum feel very different to the other two factions, being big ship heavy, capable of fielding Illicit slots and some interesting Pilots.