Settling in with the 25mm

I am trying to make a fist of it with the 25mm. It is the go to lens at the moment as I try to find a place for it, both as a focal length and as the preferred representative of that focal length.

Wide open sharpness is good (second only to the 75mm). A basic Lightroom pre-set applied, no localised brush work that would bring out even more detail.

Wide open sharpness is good (second only to the 75mm). A basic Lightroom pre-set applied, no localised brush work that would bring out even more detail.

And Bokeh is pleasant also

And Bokeh is pleasant also

The focal length offers a true alternative to 35/90 as opposed to the 20mm (40mm) that would just make me unhappy, as I love the 17mm.

CA is an obvious but fixable issue wide open. F1.8 100% crop

CA is an obvious but fixable issue wide open. F1.8 100% crop

After a Lightroom pre-set called "L2 25mm wide open" (go figure)

After a Lightroom pre-set called "L2 25mm wide open" (go figure)

Close focus is also a boon. The above image was taken of our small, old dog Jack sitting on my lap.

F1.8 focussed on the eye, but without eye detection.

F1.8 focussed on the eye, but without eye detection.

It is also shows very accurate focussing, even with the wider focus area box on a a non-firmware updated EM5 mk1.

Again nothing but the basic pre-set.

Again nothing but the basic pre-set.