Armada Fleet Composition And Applications; Rebels

Three ships arrived today (2 to come), including the massive Nadiri Starhawk. I like it even more than I thought I would! Even though it is bigger looking than an ISD, the Imperials retain their menace through predatory looks in serious numbers (3 ISD’s and one Onager). The Starhawk, is almost like “The Swede” in Heartbreak Ridge. Big, impressive and seemingly unstoppable….

What a hassle. First I had to take a shuttle from the surface to a waiting Neb, then the interminable trip to the monster itself, then paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. Hope she is worth it, oh and the running costs!

What a hassle. First I had to take a shuttle from the surface to a waiting Neb, then the interminable trip to the monster itself, then paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. Hope she is worth it, oh and the running costs!

Ok, so looking at my Rebel fleet, where am I now? This is based on what I have researched so far ‘cos I have not played Armada enough at all yet. I am not going to go into detail, because to be honest I don’t know enough about these ships, but the handful of good blogs out there are more than helpful (you know who you are). Please note, the only upgrades I am not using (yet), for reasons eluded to previously are the Titles. I think a ship should earn a reputation and learn it’s own tricks, not be gifted them.

Extra Large Ships

Starhawk; This is the campaign closer, the turning of the tide or arrival of the great hope. Apparently it can be awesome, or it can be expensive scrap depending on many factors. It has lots of resilience and plenty of punch, but it is a whale of a thing and the least responsive ship in the game. It looks like a giant Nebulon-B and acts a little like one. A bigger hammer without an anvil? All your eggs in one giant basket? Maybe a bit of both, but the promise of a bit of sweet revenge may be possible for all of those David vs Goliath fights you had to go through to get here.

Large Ships

MC-75; This was for me a logical choice as the line/flag ship and it looks like it may be just that. I like the look of it (scales better for me than the other big Rebel ships) and has that odd cigar shape with bits attached that many Rebel ships have (kinda like a Prosciutto wrapped sausage with tooth pick through it-to be kind). On the table, it is a true all rounder, but has no defined specialty. Ordnance platform, carrier, tank, gunship, command ship, raider, it can be built for any of these roles.

Medium Ships

Assault Frigate; The AF is the tough little “mini Home One” broadside specialist with the same shields as an ISD, but half the hull. It is a good backbone/flag/support ship for a small raiding fleet or as a flank guard for something bigger. This was going to be my token “big” in the Rebel fleet, but it felt a little one dimensional.

Big Small Ships

Nebulon-B (2); The rifleman of the fleet, the Neb is all good to the front at range, but not much good at any other facing, or in close. Every fleet can find a use for one or more, just support it and use it properly.

MC-30; This mean little ship is a favourite. Like the A/F it is a flank specialist, but unlike the A/F it likes to get in close. I see this as the point of a fast strike force spearhead. I like the scout version best.

Pelta; I like this ship, but few review it well. It needs a Title to be anything and I won’t give it that buff at this point, so I will field it just for the Fleet Command slot. If well positioned in a battle fleet, maybe as a reserve/escort brawler, fighter coordinator and small fleet command it may come in handy, or optionally just to add a tanky rear guard for a raiding fleet. This thing is versatile and can be useful, but it can also be an overpriced under performer, a bit like the Victory SD. For a scenario or campaign player, it is a needed ship. In competition it would likely not be as efficient.

Small Ships

CR-90 (3); Possibly the best ship in the game point for point and one of the easiest to fly, the CR-90 is a good sniper, flanker or raider. Each fleet should have one, but as I have 3 and so much to do, there will have to be some prioritising.

Hammerhead (4): With Titles available, these work best in groups, but without them, I think the Torpedo model will be most used, likely still in a pair or three, possibly with the MC-30, as the “bulk” of a raiding or strike force or as flanking surprise strikers in a main battle fleet. I am guessing that one of their main weapons is being ignored, until it’s too late.

Transports (3-6); These will be used both as scenario objectives and for fleet support and fighter control. They are also pegged for an escape from Hoth scenario.


Fighters (lots); These are the reason I got into Armada. Odd? The reality is, in the movies the capitol ships are just the backdrop. Plenty of heavy lifting is done by the fighters, who can take out anything on the table if not countered. These include of course the little big ships like the Falcon or Scurrg. Squadrons are dangerous and will often decide things. The Rebels are also more than capable of running them well, be it through Transports, a Pelta Command or any other decent sized ship. Probably the biggest differentiator between the two factions (in my fleets) is the ability to control fighters.

Sans fighters, a rag-tag mob with purpose. Two more Hammerheads have been ordered after my Dogtastrophe forced me to hunt down another medium base (Victory) and I stumbled on these at the same time.

Sans fighters, a rag-tag mob with purpose. Two more Hammerheads have been ordered after my Dogtastrophe forced me to hunt down another medium base (a Victory) and I stumbled on these at the same time.