More Fun With X Wing 1e Experiments

I recently started to teach a friend X Wing 1e, a non gamer but self described “Star Wars Fan Adjacent” type. She insisted on making her own squad from the get go, but even Skeleton Crew was a bit much to start with.

Just a token image to remind myself I need to take some fresh ones.

Just a token image to remind myself I need to take some fresh ones.

The parameters were just too wide with 21 different ships and 80 odd pilots to chose from. I put the ships alone in front of her and she quickly succumbed to analysis paralysis.

I could have supplied a squad list, but that was really not what she wanted.

She wanted choice and control.

So, what to do?

Welcome “Flight School”, a further reduced game, but one with enough to (1) show the basics of squad building and basic game play and (2) show the factional differences, strengths and benefits.

The Basics;

  • Each faction has 3 iconic, faction defining ships on offer.

  • Squads are 60 points maximum.

  • Most other “complications” are overcome simply by being removed.

The Empire gets the Tie Fighter, Tie Interceptor and Tie Advanced. Their upgrade options are limited to Missiles only for the Advanced. Their strengths are pilot choice (31), with the most aces* (10), the best range of manoeuvres, combined with the option of fielding sheer numbers. All their ships have Agility 3, Evade, Roll and speed 5, but they have the only two ships with no Shields or TL.

The Empire will teach you to fly aggressively.

The Rebels get the A, B and X Wings. This gives them the widest range of upgrades with System, Cannon, Droid, Torpedo, Missile and all their ships have at least one Ordnance option. The points structure of the Rebels helps a little here to. They have plenty of ships with points to burn. The Rebels have 8 aces* over 22 pilots(the middle ground) and the strongest Shields of the three factions, so they are physically robust. For manoeuvring, the are a mixed bag. The A Wing is a star, the X Wing workman-like and the B Wing, a bit of a close quarters wild card.

The Rebels will teach you the value of team work.

The Scum (Black Sun Cartel) get the Star Viper, Kihraxz and Z95 Head Hunter. Their edge is the Illicit slot, available on more than half their ships, with all ships capable of taking either Missiles or Torps for hitting power. They have the smallest choice of pilots (16), with only 4 aces*, tend to favour a less efficient Hull over Shields ratio and top out at speed 4. They do tend to have well priced ships/pilots and the exclusive S-Loop and Talon Roll.

The Scum will teach you to be unpredictable (and maybe a little mean).

Upgrades are limited to a good solid range;

Illicit (6) Z95, Kihraxz; Slicer Tools, Contraband Cybernetics, Glitterstim, Hotshot Blaster, Inertial Dampeners, Deadman’s Switch.

Droids (13) X Wing; All except FAA, Targeting, TFA period or R2-D6.

Systems (5) B Wing; FCS, Advanced Sensors, Collision Detector, Accuracy Corrector, Thrust Corrector.

Missiles (6) A Wing, Adv, Kihraxz, Z 95; Concussion, Cluster, Assault, Proton, Cruise, Homing.

Torpedoes (3) X/B Wing, Viper; Plasma, Proton, Adv. Proton.

Cannon (2) B Wing; Heavy Laser, Autoblaster.

So, we have 9 ships with 47 unique pilot talents representing pretty much every rule exception type in the game and all common actions and manoeuvres are available to one faction at least. Each faction gets their flavour fully evolved (Droids, Illicit’s, Manoeuvres) and the most common Ordnance is represented.

I have played with the idea of adding the E Wing, Fang Fighter and Defender, especially as they miss out in Skeleton Crew, but that is probably best kept for later.

*An ace is any pilot with PS 7+