My Star Wars fix went a bit flat after the Mandalorian.
It was good, but it did not click with me and to be honest I did not see the attraction.
Andor was better, grittier and more fragile feeling, but a little dark for me.
Rebels was started one night when I really did not have anything else much to watch. I really just wanted some background on the X-Wing ships I have been obsessing over lately.
Taken before I got my Spanish Sabine’s Masterpiece captured Tie and English cardboard.
Series 1 was ok, enough to get me interested. The animation was fine, a little odd with the organics, but surprisingly good at machines, Storm troopers etc.
Into series 2 now and two things have happened.
Spoilers ahead.
Firstly, the story is evolving into a genuine Pre-quel to the three original movies. The large gap between the Republic become the Empire and the growing rebellion is being filled and not only are all the characters from X-Wing (Ketsu, Visago, Azmorrigan, Hondo etc) being explored, but also the Armada personalities I did not know (Sato, Asoka etc).
Secondly, the animation has lifted a level. The digital animation has gone to a more natural and vibrant look, the CGI ships etc are spectacular and the people are less wooden. I really appreciate the continuity and attention to detail.
Loving the excellent battle scenes, which include an ancient Clone tank vs Imperial Walkers, CR-90 Cruisers vs Imperial Gozanti and Aquitens light cruisers, an amazing display of Vader crewing through an entire squadron of A-Wings and more to come. Special mention to Hera in the first B-Wing ever used.
Three more series to come and I will assume it only gets better.
Most importantly, it feels closer to Star Wars than anything else I have seen lately and even makes me like the actual prequels a little more.