X-Wing 1e, Bares Bones, Legends or Prime are our base-line for playing Star Wars, stripping the game down, replacing some elements in a layered approach to taste and playing the “old school” game.
Nothing against 2e, but 1e is just a great game and if limited it is relatively simple and balanced, it’s elegance shines through.
One upgrade type that is removed, is the Elite Pilot Talent, or EPT. These and generic Titles are the main “over-complicators”, along with Mods, which tend to level out ships and pilots and rob them of their uniqueness (Boost for example is a rare beast and Barrel Roll mostly an Imperial thing in BB, but basically anyone can have them in full X-Wing).
Classic and Legends do use 2e dials, offering a better spread of manoeuvres with a more balanced spread of S-Loops and Talon Rolls.
One form of the reduced format game that can have EPT’s is “Classic” concentrating on the three original movies, or more specifically the battles of Endor, Yavin and Hoth and the little skirmishes in between.
This is a chance to round out some pilots, allow them to be used as an introduction to 1e X-Wing, to scratch that “simulationist itch” and use some of those mostly neglected EPT’s.
It includes the Rebel Red, Gold, Grey, Green, Rogue and Blue squadrons and Imperial Black, Sabre (181 group), Obsidian and Scimitar squadrons, with the Imperial Guard and Omicron group, as well as the personalities present including the bounty hunters highlighted in the Empire Strikes Back.
Pilots are built out as squadrons of “quick” builds with EPT’s and named Titles where relevant. These are thematic and cosmetically consistent (meaning the card art fits the faction or ship) and the EPT fits the pilot.
Not all EPT’s are covered and not all pilots get one. Some, mostly skill 9 pilots might get more than one and points cost is not as big a consideration as the right feel. An effort was made to avoid the reflex driven and all too powerful tournament combinations.
These are more for rounding out characters than exaggerating their talents, the idea is to balance powerful pilots with mostly offensive or defensive Talents with something from the other side of the coin, not create over powered Action chains.
Vader (9) already gets two Actions to simulate his Force mastery, but he now also gets Determination for added Force discipline (and his portrait card) and Squad Leader, which feels right for his role as intimidating, but empowering leader. It also came in his pack.
Trench run anyone? Looks just like the card.
One of his wingmen Mauler Mithel (7) gets Snap Shot to enhance his already strong R1 bonus and wingman status.
Youngster (6) hanging around in the wings also adds more options here, duplicating his mentor.
Scourge (7) from Obsidian squadron now gets Opprotunist, so please ignore Back Stabber in the picture below. Vader’s wing men were getting all the love and Scourge is the better pilot and the sentiment fits better.
Juno Eclipse (8), the only other Tie Advanced pilot in Black Squadron (small stretch, but canon), gets Outmanoeuvre which plays into her post-dial jank Talent.
Soontir Fell (9) has a good Talent gaining a Focus when stressed, but little opportunity to use it in BB. Avoiding PTL (A-Wing art and possibly a little too tournament powerful), he gets Daredevil and Predator, which either add stress for extra effect (adding a Focus) or make him simply more lethal.
Soontir feels more fleshed out with two EPT’s. Too bad for the luckless Y-Wing.
Turr Phennir (7) has a cool Talent gaining a Boost or Roll after an attack, but now he also gets Intensity as well for more, if limited effect.
Howlrunner (8) gets Swarm Tactics as is often the case, making her the Tie squadron enabler. This is a common X-Wing build, especially early on, but is not over powered and it fits the art.
Kir Karnos (6) of the Guard gets Expose, not because it is a particularly good EPT, more because it smacks of an Imperial Guards fanatical, aggressive commitment.
Those lovely red Interceptors.
Tomax Bren (8) gets Adrenalin Rush as his Talent is dependant on one-use EPT’s and red moves are rare for other Imperials in Classic.
Colonel Jendon (6) Ruthlessness (with a Heavy Laser Cannon).
Luke Skywalker (8) gets his portrait card from the base set, Deadeye, which seems to fit his “Use the Force Luke” bit for offence and it is his portrait card.
Wedge Antilles (9), the Rebel miracle-man gets Lightning Reflexes and Cool Hand, one to add survivability and re-positioning, the other to allow a once-off benefit from that (“I turn on a dime, I Evade or I Focus”).
Thought they had the drop on old Wedge.
Ten Nunb (8) the B-Wing ace gets Adaptability to help allow him to decide when to be in the activation stream. It is also the only EPT in the mix with a B-Wing featured and it is free.
Wes Jensen (8), with a decent offensive Talent like Wedge, gets Expert Handling to aid with his survivability and move options.
Ten (8) gets Stay on Target, which turns adjusted moves red (B-Wings have these in abundance, so it gives them some relevance) and it fits with his offensive talent.
Keyan……staying on target.
Jek (7) is given more reason to live (die?) with Wingman.
Han Solo (9) has a strong offensive Talent (re-rolls), but nothing to represent his slippery nature. Elusiveness is a fit (comes with the TFA Falcon) and also Trick Shot, which is a freebie and adds a sense of offensive cockiness.
Lando (7) gets Decoy, as a good support Talent (Lando is the Rebel support Falcon build).
Chewie (5) is a great fortress/blocker build, so he gets Draw Their Fire, becoming a bigger Biggs. He is built out with the two droids for extra staying power making him hard to hit and even harder to take down. I wanted to give him Selflessness (Wookie on the front), but it is only for small ships.
Green squadron is thin on EPT capable pilots without their generic Title, so Jake (7), a personal favourite, gets the primo one, Push the Limit. It is good and thematic on Jake, but not as dangerous as Tycho (absent) or Soontir (wrong art). At least someone has one of those crazy 1e Action chains and who better than a mad A-Wing jockey.
Watch this space.
Dutch Vander (6) is built out with a Synched Turret, so a perfect candidate for Marksmanship.
Horton (8), the often under used Y-Wing ace gets Saturation Salvo, making his Torpedo attacks more useful, especially against low PS swarms.
Dutch with a surprise or two.
The scum are a good place to line up both dedicated card art and some nasty, thematic combos.
Dengar (9) is an expensive pilot with Title (12 pts for “Punishing One”), so Crack Shot and A Score to Settle for 1 point total empower him, fit his legend and keep him under control.
Boba Fett (8) has a couple of EPT’s with basically his name (well picture) printed on them. Lone Wolf (Slave 1) and Fearless (Mandalorian pilot) both fit. His Talent of changing move (Imperial version-ignore the one below) is handy, but some extra controlled aggression suits him as well.
Bossk (6) get Rage, because, well, it’s Bossk through and through, as the picture suggests.
IG-88 (6) gets Intimidate. I was going to go for Calculate, but the image of Guri did not fit. The dial and his cold robotic brutality does though.
More fun in the 1e space, which just keeps giving.