A Perfect Union?

After a seemingly endless wait (‘cos I clearly have the worlds troubles on my shoulders :) ), 13th Age Glorantha arrived yesterday and with some excitement, mixed with a little trepidation, I gave it a quick glance.

Glorantha is more than a little weird, a reality that had put me off it in the past. Initially I thought it was Bronze Age Greco-Persian influence, then maybe an Indo-Persian one, then American Indian-Persian, then Celtic….Persian?. It looks like it’s actually all that and more, so jumping in on the strength of the 13th Age window alone may seem strange.

13th Age is also a little weird in a kind of awesome way. It took the relatively ancient D&D rules set and, before 5e was even launched and offered us a play style that two of the designers of the game use to play their own games, which it turns out is quite different to the way they designed their “other” games (3e and 4e). It strips back, fleshes out and generally shakes up the old game, making it equal parts “old friend” and “new age” indie style game.

You know that feeling you get when you just want some of those annoying clunky rules mechanics to not be there anymore. Well they did just that and it works. House rules rule.

Join these two forces together with the style that 13th Age oozes (conversational designers notes and empowered creative license) and you have, for me, the perfect, possibly the only palatable launch platform into this particular gaming world.

Bonkers-gonzo weird meets bonkers-gonzo, a little over the top with a big smattering of “you can do it your way”.

My first inkling I was in for a good ride with this came quickly. Randomly opening the book I came across the Troll Warrior. That entry alone set the scene. Open, revealing, original and more than a little hilarious (these guys eat their own equipment, or friends even if pushed).

Broo, the original Beastmen. Love the pencil drawings in 13G.

Broo, the original Beastmen. Love the pencil style drawings.

One of the things that makes 13A so accessible to me is the game refuses to take itself too seriously. I doubt I could take either D&D or Glorantha in a more serious, drier form after this.

This is the best of both worlds, creating a super-additive formula resulting in an opinionated, vibrant and flexible gaming experience.

Presentation is interesting. It looks like the book is done to the new standards of Chaosiums offerings, using semi gloss pages of a slightly lighter weight than 13A’s standard high gloss and heavier than usual-weight and the font and layout make for a more mainstream looking product. It is likely closer to Call of Cthulhu 7e (I have not seen yet) or D&D 5e (that I had) than vanilla 13A, but the content is still light and open in mood.

The less tight looking 13A layout. No preference, just different.

The less tight looking 13A layout. No preference, just different.

The illustrations are mostly from the Chaosium Glorantha archive with a few by the standard 13A artists. All good and the cross-over is seamless.

The differences in presentation and feel are fine, helping set the scene for the two worlds. It is, if anything, a little denser, tighter and more mature looking.

My plans of lifting from this for my normal 13A campaign have possibly gone out the window, because to be honest I think I want to play this world as it is.

The Strangest Thing........

So, dogs.

Love ‘em to death.

They sometimes chew things. Sometimes a shoe (never the pair, just one of each), maybe the odd furniture corner, occasionally a John Sexton Book (not a favourite, but it turns out it would cost $300+ to replace!).

Scheming? Likely not.

Scheming? Likely not.

Today Lucy, who in her defence has been given the odd X Wing and Armada counter surround to chew, was gifted two open doors to the mother load and decided to chew 7 (!) Armada ship tokens, which oddly named as they are, are the cardboard base panels for the ships (kinda mandatory for accurate play and you only get one!).

Butchers bill;

  • Both ISD tokens pretty much munted, with warping, chunks missing and puncture marks all over.

  • Onager, same but not as bad (stripped corner) I may cut it off or colour it in with black pen.

  • Both Gozanti’s, my only Raider and my Munificent, were slightly damaged, but mostly whole.

  • 1 stand, usable, but not pretty (plenty of these, although a medium, so less common).

Things were said.

Chance to count my blessings?

You bet.

The (currently) irreplaceable and far too expensive at the time Raider model and super fragile Munificent were both on the floor undamaged and at least another half dozen ships were within reach, but it was apparently only the cardboard she wanted.

Ok, so on the net I go. Not only is it nearly impossible to find any tokens, sans ship that is, but even getting an accurate, ship-less image I can print out seems impossible. Photoshop? Likely, but to be honest pushing my skill set.

Ring at the door.

Chimaera expansion arrives.

Enthusiasm a little reduced considering, but oh well, new toy.

I open the box, consoling myself that there is at least one presentable ISD base panel in my collection and one I can likely copy and PS.

Punching out the cardboard I spy another sheet with another base panel! This is the only time I have ever received 2 in a box. I assumed FFG decided you may want to upgrade more than one of your ISD’s to refits? I go tell my wife the good news and of course she arranged a parade, cancels disaster relief, arranges a press release etc :). Well, maybe not, but she was happy the mini disaster was partially averted.

I returned to my unpacking and lo-and-behold, there was a third! Go FFG. I now have all three ISD’s properly based even if I have to ignore some of the printed info. Just means I have to use the ship cards, not the bases, for basic ship info except for the much needed fire arcs, that are thankfully the same for all the ISD’s.

Not a big adjustment process and I guess FFG could even have designed them like that in another universe, so all good.

The rest of the bases are being pressed flat under some books, then maybe a slight trim if needed, but are otherwise not too bad. I paint my bases black, so if I trim the munted ones, then use a black marker to finish them off, they may look like I meant it.

From initial fears of an expensive and inconvenient (hobby based = minor) disaster, almost all was salvaged.

Weird how things work out, and they usually do.

More Armada

More Armada!

I felt that three CR-90’s would be fun and mixes up the 2/2/2 evenness of my small ship Rebel fleet, and because I like to keep a balance to things, a third Gladiator also.

“Wolf packs” comes to mind in both case, one a hit and run, the other a close quarters mauler.

Is it just me or does everyone get a little spend-happy in Spring?

I resisted the two MC-80’s, because I still struggle with their scaling and look. The Starhawk, Nebulon, MC-75 and Assault Frigate all share the hanging Jowls or cocktail sausage look the MC-80’s lack and are all in acceptable looking scale to each other. I also have the upgrade cards (Admirals etc), so nothing really missed.

The upgrade card pack is still the single best purchase for Armada. No matter your ships, you get the entire updated upgrade range in one go. Print out the ship cards from Cannotgetyourshipout or similar and proxy the ships and any fleet is possible.

I have also bought some more fighters, because I feel I need some “spares” for paint trialling. I am struggling. I want them to be much the same quality as the bigger ships, but that is vexing. I have felt a little stressed painting the ones I have, so some extras to practice some ideas on will help (and some more would be nice anyway).

The Other Skeleton Crew Killer Squads

Aces are Aces, god love ‘em. All speedy and lethal or tanky and….lethal (just lethal really), but in Skeleton Crew, an Ace only has so many edges to load up with.

The other killer squad is the humble base model deployed-en masse. The formula below is pretty simple. The offensive dice x ships - defensive points (agility + hull + shields) and Ordnance x ships (#)

Catch me if you can.

Catch me if you can.


Y Wings x5 10-45 5 Grey Sqd pilots with Autoblaster Turrets (10)

Y Wings x5 10-45 5 Gold Squadron Pilots

X Wings x4 12-28 Rookies + a HWK 1-6 Rebel Operative blocker

B Wings x3 9-27 Blue Sq Pilots + A Wings x2 4-14 Prototype Pilots

A Wings x5 10-35 with Proton Rockets (25) Prototype Pilots.


Interceptors x5 15-30 5 Avenger Sq Pilots or 4 Alphas and Carnor or 2 Alphas and 3 Sabres

Tie Fighters x8 16-40 Academy pilots with a Black Sq or an Ace of some sort

Bombers x3 6-24 3 Scimitars with Plasma Torps (9) and Seismic charges (*) + Aggressors x2 4-14 Seinar with Dorsal Turrets (4-6)

Aggressors x5 10-35 Sienar Specialists, Dorsal Turrets or 2 Onyx Escorts + 3 Sienar, Unguided Rockets (6).

Obviously, with so many cheap Tie’s the Empire can mix this up quite a bit.


Kihraxz x5 15-35 Cartel Marauders.

Star Viper x3 9-24 Blacksun Enforcers + Head Hunters x2 4-12 Blacksun Soldier, Binayre Pirate.

Head Hunter x8 16-48 Binayre Pirates with 4 points of Illicit or Missile upgrades sprinkled through them.

Scurrg Bomber x4 12-44 Karthakk Pirates Bomblet Generator and Bombardier for 1.

Headhunters make great fillers for most squads.

Anyway, you get the idea, the swarm is back!

D&D 5e And "The Second Wave" OF D20 Expansionism

A few years a go, well maybe more than that, but time does fly, WoTC (I think it was at the time) gave us the d20 D&D open licence. This allowed any game to be adapted to the basic parameters of ubiquitous D&D 3e rules.

It was a clever move, empowering smaller companies to release new systems (Pathfinder, Conan) or duplicate existing games (Traveller, Call of Cthulhu), or just pay into the bigger 3e monster with support materiel and help keep d20 as the dominant RPG form. Even some fully realised core game systems came out with a d20 version (GURPS), further empowering their own demise (GURPS).


I , like many at the time did pay into the insurmountable wave of content, heavily. My general dislike for the d20 game is well documented here, based on some valid issues dating back to the dawn of RPG’s as we know them, but sometimes the offering was just too tempting for a rampant collector with little control. Most of it is gone now (Iron Heroes a 3e murmur of the yet unreleased 13A style of “Epic” game is the exception, not sure why!?).

Many of the ones I wanted to like were the poorest iterations of the system, some fatally flawed (see Iron Heroes above), but the massive community presence acted as a buoy for any doubters. That is until D&D moved on, leaving most of us in a sort of developmental limbo, only exacerbated by the complete re-build each iteration of D&D seems to require (another reason I like d100 games-consistency of basic principals).

So, to the heading above.

We are seeing the dawn of a second wave of shared d20 mechanics, through multiple sources, but in a more controlled, mature and logical way.

5e, even from the perspective of a confirmed disliker (recently traded my core books for some X Wing ships), is far better than the versions that came before. The system is clean, well balanced (for D&D, in its own unique way) and closer to a realistic gaming experience than maybe any except 3e with the 6th level limit option (called E6, a genuine thing for a while).

I have a foot in here in the form of Adventures in Middle Earth, which marries the oldest RPG to one of the pillars of RPG inspiration and I like it. The original system (The One Ring) is elegant, innovative and very thematically pure, but it is a little “rail-roady” for my liking. It forces you to play the way the designers feel you should in this creative space, but leaves too little room for a more open play style.

AIME is, I feel, superior for two reasons.

Firstly it is more cohesive as a realised system. Coming out second, it did not suffer the continuity issues of two core sets and the need for a follow up “Players Companion” to complete the game.

Secondly, it avoids the railroading issues of the original by applying the principals of The One Ring to the more generic 5e system, meeting it basically half way and championing the best of both. 5e is better (for me) for the elements added and for those omitted. AIME is all the better for the versatility 5e adds. You should play as the feel of the game empowers you to, but within that, the systems and processes are less of an imperative, more of a solid, thematic frame work.

You actually cannot stray too far from the source materiel unless you deliberately introduce foreign elements, like D&D Magic users etc, which is of course, entirely your call, but one would have to ask why you bought AIME at all. Another cool element of this is all you need for AIME is the “How to play” chapter of the free 5e starter guide. Everything else is covered by the new system.

This brings us to the topic of the post…finally :).

Two of my favourite worlds are going to be “5e’d”.

Symbaroum, a world I find fascinating and compelling and The Iron Kingdoms (one of the ones that also got the earlier 3e treatment). The publishers of Symbaroum are also going to release TOR and AIME in second editions , further adding to my vexations.

This means I can re-delve into these worlds in a more mainstream way than their own systems offer and further empower a more palatable version of 5e (for me). Less system crunch, fewer hats to wear and some little issues like miniatures or clunky mechanics are avoided.


I have some massive and quite new tomes for IK and they are compatible with the actual war game (2nd ed) which I also have, including far too many minis.

Symbaroum is tougher. The second ed rules are out, but I actually think I would rather take some inspiration from the Martin Grip art in particular and do a d100 Legend/Mythras version anyway. The magic systems from Mythras, Animism in particular seems ideal for an ancient Fey meets a hard, soulless civilisation style game.

EmptyName 51.jpg

So, what was the question again?

If I am reducing my RPG’s not adding to them, is there a valid argument to sell off sizeable, often reasonably new systems to replace them with the same-but-different 5e version? This is really just to rationalise my learning/teaching curve to only d20 and d100 systems. Further, is it a good thing to take away the available versatility of different systems, each with their own virtues? Iron Kingdoms in particular is directly tied/fully compatible with, second edition Warmachine and Hordes, a game that I also own in some quantity.

Following on from that thought, the original systems (TOR, IK etc) were the original brainchildren of the designers, the 5e clones are really just their “make more money and increases the company profile” alternate faces, no matter how good they are.

Boiling it down; Do I chase completion, simplicity and these new, pretty books or allow my own pre-stated desire to work within a more “home-spun” creative world of d100 games actually take hold? This is probably a test delivered at the right time. Making a compelling world is after all, the hobby behind the hobby for many role players. In reality, browsing some art on the net often gets the creative juices flowing more than reading an entire system front to back.

The Logic Of Stripping A Game Back Down To Its Roots

I have written far too much on the subject of Bare Bones X Wing or similar, but there is a reason for that.

It is something I do feel strongly about and here are a few reasons that I think rationalise this desire to strip back the games I love.

Sometimes, even Legends have to be sidelined for a cleaner experience.

Sometimes, even Legends have to be sidelined for a cleaner experience.

Story fidelity.

I like to simulate what I see in the source material, to connect with the thing that got me interested in the first place. I do like sandbox style games, in fact with historical minis, I tend towards “representative” forces and original scenarios, within a tight historical context. In other words, I don’t do Gettysburg, but I like to simulate small parts with similar scenarios. With that in mind, these “representative” forces are accurate and used thematically. X Wing, Armada etc are the same for me in that I want forces that make sense, playing out scenarios that….well, make sense.

I also believe in the empowerment of a simulation to allow the possibility of sequence of events that mimic the original story, but also allow for other, equally compelling outcomes. As with above, I dislike railroading play into mimicking preconceived or limited results.

So, simulate reality, worts and all.

A game is either a game in its own right or a simulation, but the typical game, working within set parameters rarely does both well.

Take for example X Wing 1e (the case in point). I feel the designers did a very good job of creating a simulation of space combat, with a nice Star Wars style. You have a ship, beautifully presented and in its basic form, pretty much on the money capabilities wise, especially in comparison to the other ships represented by the game. It looks right, feels right and takes me tho the place I want to go.

Then you have a pilot, with a relative pilot skill level and if a character, an ability that is again pretty much spot on with my take on the pilots role in the universe, expressed in game terms (as far as it can). Vader gets two actions and Luke defends better naturally, both abilities grant “Force” like abilities in game terms and I feel, pretty accurately to story precedents.

Upgrades like a Droid and some Ordnance all fit perfectly in both relevance and application, just like in the movies. R2-D2 can repair your shields, which again, within the limits of game mechanics makes him relatively powerful and relevant and in context to his movie role.

Simulation successful.

Now you add the ability to give the hero of the story another ability that they did not necessarily have or worse, one that a main character has natively, but is now potentially given to any other character in the game with an EPT slot. Some are harmless, even logical, so they could have been absorbed into the above (Deadeye for Luke for example), others are at odds with the simulation, being made purely for game play.

Next are Modification upgrades. Mods do what EPT’s do, making a ship better than it was originally depicted. Just like EPT’s a unique feature of a ship is now open to any and all (within limits), diluting the relevance of that ship and it’s role. Want a full action bar? A well chosen EPT and Mod may be able to provide. What makes an Interceptor special, if it can be matched by a lesser modified ship. Sure the Interceptor can take a mod, but that is where the problems lay. Everything raises a notch, so allowances are made to make dis-empowered ships better again, and the cycle continues. If the core ship is left alone, the game plays in a balanced way, sticks to story fidelity and is easier to grasp for the majority of players.

As X Wing grew, new ideas emerged and FFG applied what options they had to try to retro fit them in like class based Titles where a base ship is permanently “upgraded”, fundamentally changing it for game balance alone. Who would fly a Tie Advanced without X1 Title or a mark 1 Star Viper? In 2e, most of these changes were fully integrated, proving that they were needed, but also that they were jammed into 1e..

The X Wing itself was the major beneficiary with several Droid, Mod and Title options opened up to it by the end of the games run.

The Tie Interceptor, king of jinking by contrast lost its uniqueness, as it can now be matched by lesser ships with the right upgrades. Sometimes things that a pilot and ship already champion are exaggerated even more by adding more of the same as if the basic concept is lost on us (Concord Dawn, Lone Wolf).

For a game, this is all fine. It adds in the tactical sub-game that is squad building. As a simulation, it takes too much artistic license and puts it in the players hands. No harm done, after all it is a game, but for me desiring a simulation, it has now gone past that into the realm of “what if”.

As the game grows, as all competitive enterprises do, more and more options/balances/mitigations are introduced, stretching the known into the unknown (for many of us) and sometimes even to the purely speculative. This then snow balls with more and more combinations creating an environment that not only shifts away from the simulation roots of the original, but starts to lose all resemblance to its own original form.

By wave 10+ of X Wing 1e, the ships worth flying were not the ones you signed up for at the start.

Does this matter?

That is up to you. If it bothers you, then fix it or move on. If not then business as usual I guess.

For me, a late comer to the game, I felt I had arrived not when the car came off the production line, nor even after a few mods and different models had been produced. I felt I arrived when the original car had been relegated to the “pimp my ride” or die category, or dumped all together.

I wanted to fly Luke with R2, in an X Wing and not be blasted off the table. I could always play him of course, but cutting through the chaff required to get back to the core of the game (to give him a chance) became a hobby in itself. Bare Bones, Skeleton Crew and all of the other cut-back version that have been created, have done nothing to the game except shift the expectations of realistic play back to a place closer to the original designers’ intent.

I cannot help but feel they (the designers) would approve on some level. You constantly see in their designs, attempts to accurately represent the story, only to have their intent trashed by the tournament circuit. Ships, upgrades and pilots are pressed into service as a kind of Frankenstein’s monster of tourney winning combinations.

A part of me wishes the designers had made the game deeper and more flexible (separate Pilots for one, Droids with multiple capabilities etc), so they could stick closer to the original offerings, but allow more options within that range. I love the game, but feel saddened and slightly repelled by the competitive circuit and its complete of lack of care for the provenance of the materiel (2e is making real efforts to empower all ships equally).

If this was the only form of the game available to me I would either be the guy that always comes last, playing “straight” squads made up of logical pilot and ship combinations or I would more likely have dropped away or abstained long ago.

Stripped down X Wing 1e saved me.

This is not the only system I like a little plainer.

Armada has so far been played without Titles. All other mods make sense to me, but Titles are more a representation, an indication of where a good ship could/will get, not where it should be. I would prefer a ship grow a reputation, not be gifted one.

More Fun With X Wing 1e Experiments

I recently started to teach a friend X Wing 1e, a non gamer but self described “Star Wars Fan Adjacent” type. She insisted on making her own squad from the get go, but even Skeleton Crew was a bit much to start with.

Just a token image to remind myself I need to take some fresh ones.

Just a token image to remind myself I need to take some fresh ones.

The parameters were just too wide with 21 different ships and 80 odd pilots to chose from. I put the ships alone in front of her and she quickly succumbed to analysis paralysis.

I could have supplied a squad list, but that was really not what she wanted.

She wanted choice and control.

So, what to do?

Welcome “Flight School”, a further reduced game, but one with enough to (1) show the basics of squad building and basic game play and (2) show the factional differences, strengths and benefits.

The Basics;

  • Each faction has 3 iconic, faction defining ships on offer.

  • Squads are 60 points maximum.

  • Most other “complications” are overcome simply by being removed.

The Empire gets the Tie Fighter, Tie Interceptor and Tie Advanced. Their upgrade options are limited to Missiles only for the Advanced. Their strengths are pilot choice (31), with the most aces* (10), the best range of manoeuvres, combined with the option of fielding sheer numbers. All their ships have Agility 3, Evade, Roll and speed 5, but they have the only two ships with no Shields or TL.

The Empire will teach you to fly aggressively.

The Rebels get the A, B and X Wings. This gives them the widest range of upgrades with System, Cannon, Droid, Torpedo, Missile and all their ships have at least one Ordnance option. The points structure of the Rebels helps a little here to. They have plenty of ships with points to burn. The Rebels have 8 aces* over 22 pilots(the middle ground) and the strongest Shields of the three factions, so they are physically robust. For manoeuvring, the are a mixed bag. The A Wing is a star, the X Wing workman-like and the B Wing, a bit of a close quarters wild card.

The Rebels will teach you the value of team work.

The Scum (Black Sun Cartel) get the Star Viper, Kihraxz and Z95 Head Hunter. Their edge is the Illicit slot, available on more than half their ships, with all ships capable of taking either Missiles or Torps for hitting power. They have the smallest choice of pilots (16), with only 4 aces*, tend to favour a less efficient Hull over Shields ratio and top out at speed 4. They do tend to have well priced ships/pilots and the exclusive S-Loop and Talon Roll.

The Scum will teach you to be unpredictable (and maybe a little mean).

Upgrades are limited to a good solid range;

Illicit (6) Z95, Kihraxz; Slicer Tools, Contraband Cybernetics, Glitterstim, Hotshot Blaster, Inertial Dampeners, Deadman’s Switch.

Droids (13) X Wing; All except FAA, Targeting, TFA period or R2-D6.

Systems (5) B Wing; FCS, Advanced Sensors, Collision Detector, Accuracy Corrector, Thrust Corrector.

Missiles (6) A Wing, Adv, Kihraxz, Z 95; Concussion, Cluster, Assault, Proton, Cruise, Homing.

Torpedoes (3) X/B Wing, Viper; Plasma, Proton, Adv. Proton.

Cannon (2) B Wing; Heavy Laser, Autoblaster.

So, we have 9 ships with 47 unique pilot talents representing pretty much every rule exception type in the game and all common actions and manoeuvres are available to one faction at least. Each faction gets their flavour fully evolved (Droids, Illicit’s, Manoeuvres) and the most common Ordnance is represented.

I have played with the idea of adding the E Wing, Fang Fighter and Defender, especially as they miss out in Skeleton Crew, but that is probably best kept for later.

*An ace is any pilot with PS 7+

Armada Fleet Composition And Applications; Rebels

Three ships arrived today (2 to come), including the massive Nadiri Starhawk. I like it even more than I thought I would! Even though it is bigger looking than an ISD, the Imperials retain their menace through predatory looks in serious numbers (3 ISD’s and one Onager). The Starhawk, is almost like “The Swede” in Heartbreak Ridge. Big, impressive and seemingly unstoppable….

What a hassle. First I had to take a shuttle from the surface to a waiting Neb, then the interminable trip to the monster itself, then paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. Hope she is worth it, oh and the running costs!

What a hassle. First I had to take a shuttle from the surface to a waiting Neb, then the interminable trip to the monster itself, then paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. Hope she is worth it, oh and the running costs!

Ok, so looking at my Rebel fleet, where am I now? This is based on what I have researched so far ‘cos I have not played Armada enough at all yet. I am not going to go into detail, because to be honest I don’t know enough about these ships, but the handful of good blogs out there are more than helpful (you know who you are). Please note, the only upgrades I am not using (yet), for reasons eluded to previously are the Titles. I think a ship should earn a reputation and learn it’s own tricks, not be gifted them.

Extra Large Ships

Starhawk; This is the campaign closer, the turning of the tide or arrival of the great hope. Apparently it can be awesome, or it can be expensive scrap depending on many factors. It has lots of resilience and plenty of punch, but it is a whale of a thing and the least responsive ship in the game. It looks like a giant Nebulon-B and acts a little like one. A bigger hammer without an anvil? All your eggs in one giant basket? Maybe a bit of both, but the promise of a bit of sweet revenge may be possible for all of those David vs Goliath fights you had to go through to get here.

Large Ships

MC-75; This was for me a logical choice as the line/flag ship and it looks like it may be just that. I like the look of it (scales better for me than the other big Rebel ships) and has that odd cigar shape with bits attached that many Rebel ships have (kinda like a Prosciutto wrapped sausage with tooth pick through it-to be kind). On the table, it is a true all rounder, but has no defined specialty. Ordnance platform, carrier, tank, gunship, command ship, raider, it can be built for any of these roles.

Medium Ships

Assault Frigate; The AF is the tough little “mini Home One” broadside specialist with the same shields as an ISD, but half the hull. It is a good backbone/flag/support ship for a small raiding fleet or as a flank guard for something bigger. This was going to be my token “big” in the Rebel fleet, but it felt a little one dimensional.

Big Small Ships

Nebulon-B (2); The rifleman of the fleet, the Neb is all good to the front at range, but not much good at any other facing, or in close. Every fleet can find a use for one or more, just support it and use it properly.

MC-30; This mean little ship is a favourite. Like the A/F it is a flank specialist, but unlike the A/F it likes to get in close. I see this as the point of a fast strike force spearhead. I like the scout version best.

Pelta; I like this ship, but few review it well. It needs a Title to be anything and I won’t give it that buff at this point, so I will field it just for the Fleet Command slot. If well positioned in a battle fleet, maybe as a reserve/escort brawler, fighter coordinator and small fleet command it may come in handy, or optionally just to add a tanky rear guard for a raiding fleet. This thing is versatile and can be useful, but it can also be an overpriced under performer, a bit like the Victory SD. For a scenario or campaign player, it is a needed ship. In competition it would likely not be as efficient.

Small Ships

CR-90 (3); Possibly the best ship in the game point for point and one of the easiest to fly, the CR-90 is a good sniper, flanker or raider. Each fleet should have one, but as I have 3 and so much to do, there will have to be some prioritising.

Hammerhead (4): With Titles available, these work best in groups, but without them, I think the Torpedo model will be most used, likely still in a pair or three, possibly with the MC-30, as the “bulk” of a raiding or strike force or as flanking surprise strikers in a main battle fleet. I am guessing that one of their main weapons is being ignored, until it’s too late.

Transports (3-6); These will be used both as scenario objectives and for fleet support and fighter control. They are also pegged for an escape from Hoth scenario.


Fighters (lots); These are the reason I got into Armada. Odd? The reality is, in the movies the capitol ships are just the backdrop. Plenty of heavy lifting is done by the fighters, who can take out anything on the table if not countered. These include of course the little big ships like the Falcon or Scurrg. Squadrons are dangerous and will often decide things. The Rebels are also more than capable of running them well, be it through Transports, a Pelta Command or any other decent sized ship. Probably the biggest differentiator between the two factions (in my fleets) is the ability to control fighters.

Sans fighters, a rag-tag mob with purpose. Two more Hammerheads have been ordered after my Dogtastrophe forced me to hunt down another medium base (Victory) and I stumbled on these at the same time.

Sans fighters, a rag-tag mob with purpose. Two more Hammerheads have been ordered after my Dogtastrophe forced me to hunt down another medium base (a Victory) and I stumbled on these at the same time.

Role Playing Rationalisations And Realities

Recently, I decided to switch my limited Roleplaying to d100 system games (various) only.

Ebay was tasked with selling my comprehensive collection of 13th Age, Warmachine, Savage Worlds and several other systems.

Ebay failed, mostly because I was not willing to ship the weighty books or split any sets. The pricing was fair (about 30% of new, for near new/mint condition), but the market is small in my part of the world and I am not part of a large or active group.

So, apart from some groaning shelves, what do I have?

13th Age is one of those games that comes and goes with me. If someone said “I would like to try D & D” or a fantasy role playing game in general, or if I just want a fix of level/d20/class based gaming, I would happily put it forward as a player and GM friendly option of the old warhorse. With its happy blend of old and new ideas. This one is a keeper for when the mood arises, it is also a good read, very stimulating and fun and is up to this point, complete (more books looming). The pending 13G (Glorantha) is also a perfect fit for this game. OTT enough for Glorantha, but also light and flexible enough for me to dip my toe.

Warmachine RPG is problematic. I like the system, but struggle with the strong push for using miniatures. Ironically, I have those miniatures (just not the inclination to paint them) and can always make do without as others have said they have. I have a vast collection of Warmachine the table top game, but it is my “guilt” system, sitting, mostly unused and unpainted and is now an edition out of date, but maybe one day…….

Savage Worlds is excess to my needs and fallen well out of favour. I have long ago grown tired of it’s ideas and sick of waiting for the new books to be released, many replacing the ones I have already, but thats the way of things. This is one of those heart breakers. It never really grabbed me and when it did, something always came along to block me. To me it is the “anti d100” system, geometrically opposed to my ideal game.

AIME, as a more palatable application of D&D 5e and may be re-adopted with the new version coming from a new publisher, or left as a one off, near complete with plenty to work with.

The marriage of the latest version of the oldest RPG in the world and the pillar fiction work that inspired it in the first place. This is likely going to be replaced by a second edition with new “edgy” art and feel, but will likely be fully compatible. For me, now, this one will do. I do not have all that made publication, but I do have two full campaigns and several support works. Tons to go on with.

The marriage of the latest version of the oldest RPG in the world and the pillar fiction work that inspired it in the first place. This is likely going to be replaced by a second edition with new “edgy” art and feel, but will likely be fully compatible. For me, now, this one will do. I do not have all that made publication, but I do have two full campaigns and several support works. Tons to go on with.

The One Ring. Love it, may never use it. I like AIME as a game more (?!) as I find it less formulaic, but still find it hard to part with simply for it’s beauty. My feeling is, the materiel will be used as the base for a d100 game. The eye candy, story lines and character gen system are a good guide for a d100 system (probably Legend, maybe Mythras).

Much of the art and the adventures are identical to AIME and the system is very intent on policing the intent, even railroading play to an extent, and the rules are less cohesive than the later AIME system, so overall probably not my first choice, b…

Much of the art and the adventures are identical to AIME and the system is very intent on policing the intent, even railroading play to an extent, and the rules are less cohesive than the later AIME system, so overall probably not my first choice, but lush aren’t they.

Traveller (Mongoose 1/2e). I really think that this is going to be pushed aside by several excellent d100 games (M-Space, Frontier Space etc).

Now for d100 games.

Mythras/Legend System is the future for many d100 paths. Really looking forward to the new Destined for supers, which I think fit it’s focus perfectly. Seasons of Death for post apocalyptic, M-Space, most historical, especially the Imperative based systems are all good tools. Each book I add, provides layers to a robust and consistent generic system. It does not fit every theme or mood, when it does, it really does.

BRP is more of a retro-low immersion version of the above, allowing more themes to be explored and lighter systems to be applied. Lots to like, lots to mine and still my go to for many games, but Mythras is generally considered the “new age” version of the same ideas. Simply put, if I want the character centric granularity of hit locations etc, then Mythras, if not, then BRP.

DwD or D00 lite is a good outlier and does what it does well. Really like The Art of Wuxia and the ability to cross-pollinate the systems.

OpenQuest is light Legend, but I feel it is also a valid d100 different system option. OQ3 has gone in a good direction for me mechanically and artistically and has a couple of the elements I like from classic RuneQuest, without the weighty legacy (Ducks!). This family of games also includes the Clockwork series by Cakebread and Walton, a favourite since release.

Warhammer 4e is a great looking system let down by some rules ambiguity, so as much as I intend to use it in some form, I will play it with a modified (simplified) systems and an open mind (hypocritical of me not to).

Warhammer 1e, worts and all is a great retro game with even more character than the new version, so it maybe it will get a go also.

Supers games are a tough area for me generally. I once trie to get all I could, and collected plenty, but the reality is, I really only like street level, supernatural, gritty and realistic themes (Batman, Dare Devil etc), so the more four coloured systems have never really appealed. Destined, Super World and other d100 games fit this well (the BGB alone can handle it), as does the d10 based Wild Talents, so most of my other games, except Hero system 3e and DC Heroes have been moved on (this was one area Savage Worlds had a small window, but only because it handles this power level better than high ones and meshed Sci Fi in well).

Skeleton Crew; Who Rules This Space

Ok, who are the real killers and likely survivors in this tight format?

All things are relative, but better does still float to the top, without, in this form of the game, becoming effectively untouchable. Soontir is the top flyer, but without Mods (Auto Thrusters, Stealth Device), Title (Royal Tie) and EPT’s (PTL), he can still be tagged by anyone. With fewer mods and ship choices, the player has to look more at the squad synergies available. With more points to spend, players may well find some workable combos that rarely see table time now.


Wedge. PS 9 and the powerful ability to strip a target of 1 Agility. He has Torpedoes for the killer blow and can take a Droid (R2-D2/F2 or R7-T1). With few mitigating options for an opponent like Stealth Device, Auto Thrusters, Cloaking, Vectored Thrusters or an EPT, Wedge is a solid predator.

Wes. PS 8 and the ability to strip a token is almost as brutal as Wedge, if you already have Wedge that is.

Tycho. PS 8 and the ability to ignore stress. This only really means K-Turning with no penalty in this form of the game or ignoring some other combat effects like Mara, Tactician, some Ordnance. Great for delivering Prockets or Cruise Missiles on the flip.

Any B Wing Ace. PS 6-8, with Advanced Sensors or Fire Control Systems (unique in SC for a small ship), lots of Shields, double Torps, tight turns and all Pilots sporting a decent offensive buff. This is the Rebels best jouster, a true superiority fighter for the SC environment.

Han. PS 9. Top prize for tanky brute goes to Han with Assault or Cluster Missiles, C3-PO and Chewie for durability or Luke for offence.

Lando. PS 7 best support, goes to Lando with Nein and Leia or Han.

Jan. PS 8 Jan with Kyle can buff friends and loves the stress they take. Add TLT for some real bite. Optionally replace Kyle with Mercenary Co-Pilot or Tail Gunner for more Turret value.


Darth Vader. PS 9 and 2 Actions. Add Missiles and he is the best at getting into position to use them or flipping out of trouble (the Dark Side of The Force is with him).

Soontir Fell. PS 9 and stress accrued comes with a bonus Focus. The best action bar in the game and some reward for pushing hard is a shadow of the full noise, maximum upgrade version in full 1e, but he was basically an un-killable monster, nearly a game breaking one. Palpatine in a shuttle or Decimator or a Systems/Fleet Officer can provide more power including the missing Lock.

Any other Interceptor Ace. PS 5-8, with the best action bar in this game and cheap for it. Add in Fleet Officer for support and they get free focus, or Systems Officer for a Lock making their Action bar complete.

Rr Admiral Chiraneau. PS 8, is a strong pilot for the toughest ship in this game. His ability re-empowers the nerfed Turret Primary and he generally fires first, so with 3 Crew slots to fill, he is a safe ride for Palpatine or others. Ysanne as an example adds an Evade option to this otherwise ponderous ship.

Cmdr Kenkirk. PS 6, to increase the life span for the Decimator, just add Ysanne, Mara Jade and/or Moff Jerjerrod (coincidentally the three crew in its expansion) to make it very tanky.


Talonbane Cobra. PS 9, 5d base attack at range 1 and 4d defence at range 3. Add Missiles (Homing, Assault or Cluster) for range 2 impact and an Illicit slot for real unpredictability (Inertial Dampeners, Hotshot Blaster or maybe Glitterstim). He can Yo-Yo in and out of range until he gets the job done and low the ordnance if caught in the middle ground.

Dengar. PS 9, with free counter attacks. The Jumpmaster is also the only Scum ship that can take a Salvaged Droid so it can counter attack, force defensive re-rolls, take all green 3 moves etc. Throw in a crew member like Intelligence Agent and it’s incredible dial can shine or Weapons Techs for its Torps.

Kath Scarlett. PS 7, with Tail Gunner makes fly-throughs lethal (4-5 attacking die, vs -1 Agility).

Boba Fett. PS 8, with attacking re-rolls if enemies are near. Add Tail Gunner, K4’s or Outlaw Tech, maybe Bossk for when you miss or Dengar for more re-rolls.

Guri. PS 5, armed with Advanced Proton Torps at range 1 is a handful and range 1 is always a possibility with the slipperiest dial in SC. Free Focus, Lock and another Focus.

Moralo Eval. PS 6 can use the Heavy Laser Cannon over a 90 degree arc, with Hotshot blaster, Dengar for re-rolls and Jabba to use the Hotshot again.

Bossk. PS 7, can also use the same Heavy Laser Cannon and add 2 hits for one (wasted) crit rolled with Dengar for re-rolls.

Some rules applied to this format.

  • A squad should not be made up of more than 2 types of ship unless Scum.

  • Squads will be from 60-120 points and have turn limit optionally applied.

  • Rebel and Imperial squads may optionally have up to 1/3 of their points spent on a single Scum mercenary, as an ally or bounty hunter. Scum then Imperials pick first.

  • Games should be based a scenario as often as possible.

  • Primary Turrets are limited to range 1-2 and have no range mods.

Armada Growth Directions


The gift that just keeps giving, or is that taking as my wallet just took another hit.

The monstrous Starhawk and a “balancing” ISD are on the way (not fully balanced, but I need room for the rare small Imperials). I am not sure if there are businesses getting jittery about stock or if I am just getting occasionally quite lucky, but the Starhawk was (relatively) dirt cheap and the ISD definitely fell within my acceptable range at the RRP of a VSD.

The ISD sits well with my thinking. I can now have two plain wrap ISD’s, as well as the Chimaera. Very “climactic final scene”.

So, I am an Armada 3 ISD fleet owner.

Big timer.

Go me……

The Starhawk? Just love the giant Nebulon-B vibe it has and obsessive me can now account for every possible upgrade card in the new update pack (except the ships I do not want or cannot get-yet).

The Starhawk gives the Rebels three very different dynamics;

  • The rag-tag scrapper fleet taking on the big slow Imperial brutes (the original idea).

  • The more balanced MC75/AF2 line fleet (Rogue One inspired) for face to face fights.

  • The “tide turns” fleet (Starhawk led finishing fleet vs the Onager and multiple ISD’s).

So, the Rebels can now play underdog, go head to head or play roles reversed.

Over? Probably not, but that depends on the reprints AMG have promised (Imp Lt Cruiser, Raider).

Now I just need to use the holidays to paint my fighters.

Skeleton Crew Overview; Manoeuvring

Still looking at SC format and the range of tactical options available to the player.

The kings of dodge and weave in SC.

The kings of dodge and weave in SC.

Movement, both by dial and the exceptions.


The Rebels are a pretty sedate bunch except for the A Wing, which has the only green 5 in SC and Boost, making it the speed king of this game. Ok, lets face it, A Wing aside they are the most mundane faction to fly, with slim shafts of brightness in the YT 2400 and B Wing. No S-Loops, no Talon Rolls, few Rolls, one Boost and too many reds. Lets see if they have any other answers.

  • Dash can ignore obstacles.

  • Arvel may attack a bumped ship so coming in fast has its benefits.

  • Dash (crew) can ignore obstacles (see a pattern here).

  • Nien Nunb (crew) makes all straight moves green.

  • Leia (crew) allows one turn of all red moves turned to white moves.

  • R5-X3 can be discarded to avoid obstacles (yep, a real Rebel thing).

  • R2’s can make 1 & 2 moves green, a popular choice for Y Wings.


The Imperials main claim to fame is speed and manoeuvrability overall, then they add the odd other trick.

  • Juno Eclipse can change speed after revealing.

  • Tetran Cowell can choose one of 3 different K-Turn speeds.

  • Captain Oicunn may damage a ship he bumps, making some use of the clumsy Decimator dial.


Scum have some real tricks here. They do not have the raw speed of the Imperials, but can access S-Loops and Talon Rolls, both exclusive to this faction. Outside of that, they boast a full gamut of movers and shakers from the sluggish YV to the surprisingly spry Jump Master. One trend common to Scum ships (Kihraxz, Scyk) are K-Turns that are actually faster than their straight top speed. We call this the Scum slide.

  • Inertial Dampeners allow a single “0” move, the only full stop in SC.

  • Jabba allows you to use Inertial Dampeners twice.

  • Unhinged Mech makes speed 3 moves green.


  • Navigator allows for a speed change on reveal.

  • Intelligence Agent allows a peek at an opponents dial (I think it fits here).

  • Collision Detector may avoid or mitigate the effects of obstacles.

  • Cruise Missiles like to be launched fast.

Skeleton Crew Overview; Primary Stats

After looking at the Actions available to the Skeleton Crew factions, a couple of things are obvious.

First up, special is special.

  • Pilot abilities pretty much cover all the missing EPT’s, but are of course unique and without EPT’s are without peer in this dynamic.

  • As important, are ship capabilities not available to others such as rare, moves Actions or Upgrades. These are standouts and all the more attractive for it.

  • Ships are defined within clearer parameters, with each filling a role, but not each other’s roles making sound squad synergies paramount.

Play them as you see them.

Play them as you see them.

After looking at the Actions available to the ships, lets turn now to the primary stat lines of those ships and the game elements that effect them.


The Rebel base line ships tend to be middle of the road. They range from the only 1 primary up to solid 3’s and a couple of turreted large base ships, but only have one native 3 Agility ship. Where they do shine however is in shields. They have on average more shields to hull than their Scum equivalents and both have more than the bulk of the Empire’s ships.

  • Wedge reduces a target’s Agility.

  • Gemmer Sojan gains 1 Agility at Range 1 of an enemy.

  • Eaden Vrill gains 1 Attack dice against a stressed target.

  • R2-F2 increases Agility by 1 as an Action.


The Empire flies the flag for speed and manoeuvrability over robustness, that is until they decide to bring the muscle, then they tend to go wholly the other way having the only Hull 12/0 Agility brick. Boasting the most, 3 agility ships (3), their “mass” is adroit. The biggest weakness for the Empire is their, on average, low primary weapon values.

  • Mauler Mithel rolls an extra Attack die at range 1.

  • Back Stabber rolls an extra Attack die if flanking.

  • Cmdr Kenkirk gains 1 Agility when damaged.


The Scum have solid stats, but no real standouts. They tend to be similar to Rebels in health, but lean more on slightly inferior hull than shields. They are also similar to the Rebels in Agility, with only a single 3.

  • Kath Scarlett gains 1 Attack die in her rear arc.

  • Graz gains an Agility dice if his attacker is in his own arc (likes to play chicken).

  • Talonbane gets +1 Attack die at R1 and +1 Agility die at R3, making him one of the stronger aces (except at range 2!).

  • Latts Razzi (crew) may trade a Lock to reduce enemy Agility (sucker punch).


  • Tail Gunner reduces enemy Agility if in rear arc.

  • Proton Rockets like to be launched by high Agility ships.

Mods to actual ship stats and abilities are rare in SC, so yet again, their usefulness is exaggerated by the sparse offerings, but extremes of near unplayable combinations are also reduced. Situationally Gemmer can pull 4 Agility and Talonbane 5 Attack and 5 Defence, but these are the extremes.

Skeleton Crew Actions: Rolls, Boosts and Evades

The most enjoyable actions in X Wing are surely the Boost and Barrel Roll and the less obvious, but real life saver is the Evade. They do something that ties directly into flying, rather than endowing the ships with a “readiness” state token.

The Evasion kings, Imperial fighters need to use them to make up for a lack of shields.

The Evasion kings, Imperial fighters need to use them to make up for a lack of shields.

First, a reminder of the Pilots or other elements that effect all or most actions in general;

  • Vader gets 2 actions with no strings!

  • Tycho gets actions even when stressed.

  • Lando gives a free action out after a green move.

  • Wes can strip tokens from his targets.

  • Advanced Sensors System upgrade changes the action/move order.

  • Dark Curse strips attackers of mods.

  • Emperor Palpatine allows any one dice to be modified per turn.

  • Contraband Cybernetics allow s you to take a stress for an action after a red move.

  • Manaroo allows token sharing with a friend.

  • Auto-blaster Cannons and Turrets ignore defence effects.

Now to Boosts, Rolls and Evades.


In SC, the Rebels are weak in native Rolls (B-Wing & YT2400) and Boost/Evade capable ships (A Wing), but do have a couple of other options.

  • Jake Farrell gets a free Boost or Roll after spending a Focus (a true dare devil).

  • Luke can swap a focus for an Evade, guaranteeing the real benefit (his Force ability?).

  • R7-T1 gives a free Boost (and Lock).

  • R3’s can swap an unused Lock for an Evade, basically a “super Focus”.

  • C3-P0 can “guess aloud” how many Evades are rolled and add +1 if right (a “0” is always 1).

  • Jan (crew) can upgrade a friends Focus to an Evade.

  • Lando (crew) can roll 2 defence die and take any Evades.


The Imperials are the real stars here, with only their two large base ships unable to access Barrel Rolls and the Interceptor also having Boost. Interceptors also feature predominantly below.

  • Juno Eclipse can change move speed after reveal, then Roll.

  • Turr Phennir can Roll or Boost after an attack.

  • Lt Lorrir gets banking moves with Roll.

  • Carnor Jax strips enemy of 1 Evade

  • Kir Karnos may spend Evade for an extra hit.

  • Ysanne Isard offers a limited Evade.

  • Agent Kallus can gain Evade against pre-chosen enemy


The Scum share with the Empire the only ship with both a native Boost and Roll, the Star Viper. The Viper also has the S-Loop and with Dalan, Talon Roll options as well making it the most interesting ship to fly (and look at?). The Scurrg and Jump Master may also Roll, matching the Tie Bomber and YT 2400 respectively. Their only other ship of note is the Firespray with an evade.

  • Kaat’o may steal a “friends” Evade.

  • So can Palob.

  • Latts Razzi strips enemy stress to add Evade to self (that minx).


  • Thrust Corrector can cancel 1 of your targets Evade.

  • Homing Missiles ignore Evades.

Skeleton Crew Actions; Target Lock

The next Action we will look at in the stripped down form of X Wing that is Skeleton Crew, is the Target Lock.

The brains trust of the Rebel fleet.

The brains trust of the Rebel fleet.

All ships except for the Tie Fighter and Interceptor, who take a trade off a TL for better manoeuvre Actions, at reasonable cost, have access to Target Lock Actions. Locks are a better offensive option than Focus and are the only Action that does not drop off at turns end, but lack the option of being switched to defence (with some exceptions) and they are generally mandatory for launching Torpedoes and Missiles (again there are exceptions).

First, the other elements that effect all or most actions in general;

  • Vader gets 2 actions with no strings!

  • Tycho gets actions even when stressed.

  • Lando gives a free action out after a green move.

  • Wes can strip tokens from his targets.

  • Advanced Sensors System upgrade changes the action/move order.

  • Dark Curse strips all attackers of mods.

  • Emperor Palpatine allows any one dice to be modified per turn.

  • Contraband Cybernetics allow s you to take a stress for an action after a red move.

  • Manaroo allows token sharing with a friend.

  • Auto-blaster Cannons and Turrets ignore defence effects.

Now to TL’s.


Rebels with any TL effects in SC are limited mostly to Y and X Wing Pilot and Droid combo’s, but can often combine these.

  • R7’s can spend theirs to force an enemy attack re-roll, so they act like a better Focus option.

  • R7-T1 grants a free TL with a bonus Boost after.

  • R5-K6 allows a re-roll to try to regain a spent TL.

  • Tarn Mison gets a free one on his attacker.

  • Hobbie clears stress if he gains one.

  • Dutch Vander can share his.

  • Han (crew) can spend his TL to turn all Focus to hits.


The Empire are the only faction with ships lacking a native TL option in SC. The Fighter and Interceptor are “fly by the seat of your pants” bare bones fighters with good speed and Action bars, but lack a TL. Otherwise the Imperials are pretty normal users of TL effects.

  • Cmdr Alozen gets a free one at range 1.

  • Lt Colzet may spend one to flip a damage card.

  • Col Jendon can share one (including giving them to non TL capable ships).

  • Capt Kagi can draw an enemy TL off a friend.

  • Systems Officer can share one with a friend.

  • Rebel Captive forces stress on a Rebel attacker if they gain a lock.


The Scum run similarly to the Empire again, using their Lock’s for more nefarious things.

  • Latts Razzi may trade Lock to reduce enemy Agility (sucker punch).

  • R4 -B11 can spend theirs to force target re-roll.

  • R4 Agromech may trade up focus to a Lock.

  • K4 Security Droids grant a free one after a green move.

  • Bossk (crew) gains one after a missed attack.


  • Fire Control Systems give an automatic free Lock on the same target after an attack.

  • Weapons Engineer grants 2 at once.

Target Locks have fewer buffs than Focus actions, which is to be expected I guess as they are more powerful, if less versatile.

Next up, Barrel Rolls, Evades and Boosts.

Skeleton Crew Actions; Focus

Action availability in SC is a slim resource and I feel, rightfully so.

A game originally based on the duel mechanics of (1) outguessing your opponent’s move selection then applying an action after and (2) leveraging the fundamental differences between the ships and pilots in squad synergies, became a game of multiple Action stacking and sharing.

Good old fashioned dog fighting. Minimal counters on the mat and easy to pick up even for a beginner.

Good old fashioned dog fighting. Minimal counters on the mat and easy to pick up even for a beginner.

It follows that in comparison to other forms of X Wing Actions are rare and therefore more powerful on balance. This makes the Pilots shine here especially. Almost all EPT abilities are represented by even this small roster of Pilot abilities, but rather than being available to many, they are bespoke, iconic even and thanks to FFG’s attention to story fidelity, often defining. Wedge is your Predator type, N’dru your Lone Wolf etc.

First, the other elements that effect all or most actions generally;

  • Vader gets 2 actions with no strings!

  • Tycho gets actions even when stressed.

  • Lando gives a free action out after a green move.

  • Wes can strip tokens from his targets.

  • Advanced Sensors System upgrade changes the action/move order.

  • Dark Curse strips all attackers of mods.

  • Emperor Palpatine allows any one dice to be modified per turn.

  • Contraband Cybernetics allow s you to take a stress for an action after a red move.

  • Manaroo allows token sharing with a friend.

  • Auto-blaster Cannons and Turrets ignore defence effects.


Every ship in SC (and the X Wing game generally) has access to Focus. Not the most reliable of actions, but more flexible than any other. Taking Focus and then Focus stacking can be a powerful weapon when used well, but in the later 1e game, Focus stacking tended to be squad defining, even game breaking. It is still possible to stack some in this game, but the main culprits are nerfed.

The Rebels

The Rebel emphasis is on sharing and assisting, occasionally buffing defences, or attacking.

  • R5-P9 can trade an unused focus for a shield regen.

  • R3 series can trade a focus for a straight Evade.

  • Luke can swap one out for an Evade (using the Force we assume).

  • Garvin gets to share spent ones with a friend.

  • Keyan can convert them to hits.

  • Jake gets a free Boost or Roll when a focus is spent (making him the only Rebel daredevil with both).

  • Kyle can share then with an ally.

  • Luke (crew) can convert a focus to a hit.

  • Jan (crew) can upgrade a friend’s focus to an Evade.

  • Kyle (crew) gains a focus automatically if stressed (the perfect synergy of Jan/Kyle or Kyle/Jan and Moldy Crow Title is lost, but they still punch hard).

The Empire

Imperial Pilots and crew tend to switch from supporting to a more aggressive use of Focus.


  • Nightbeast gains a focus after a green move.

  • Chaser can mimic a spent Focus off a friend.

  • Carnor Jax strips then from his targets.

  • Soontir Fell gains a focus when stressed.

  • Lt Kestal cancels them.

  • Rr Admimal Chiraneau can convert them to a critical.

  • Fleet Officer can give 1 to 2 friends.

  • Agent Kallus can give some pain to a pre-chosen enemy by spending one.

Scum and Villainy

Like the Imperials, Scum tend to use focus aggressively, even selfishly.

  • Glitterstim gives you one round of dual application (att+def) focus for a stress

  • Overclocked R4 lets you trade a stress for a focus

  • R4 Agromech allows you to upgrade a focus to a Target Lock

  • Palob Godalhi may steal Focus tokens from an ally.

  • Kaat’o Leeachos may do the same.

  • Guri gets a free Focus when at range 1 of an enemy.

  • Outlaw Tech grants a free Focus after a red move.

  • Bossk (crew) gains a Focus if he misses an attack (much like Raging).


  • Advanced Photon Torps change 3 blanks to Focus results (so Focus when you fire them).

  • Proton Torps turn one Focus to a critical hit.

  • Recon Specialist gives you a 2 for 1 deal.

  • Hot-shot Co-pilot strips one from a target.

  • Ops Specialist awards one to a friend who misses their attack.

  • Flight Instructor allows Focus re-rolls (without using a Focus token).

Next up we will look at Target Locks.

13G Pending, Excitement Rising

Oh what a difference a month can make.

About five weeks ago, 13th Age (along with several others) was on the way out. Not entirely sure what I was thinking, but let’s blame the mid winter funk.

No sale, phase one complete.

Soooo glad I still have it (not so much the other systems, but oh well).

I could lift an image of 13G, but I will wait until it is here.

I could lift an image of 13G, but I will wait until it is here.

Phase two of this odd journey came to its full flowering with my out of character ordering of 13th Age Glorantha. Ordering another RPG book is not out of character, but this one was.

I have and have played Runequest and derivatives, but only systemically, only by name, not thematically, not Glorantha. I have had no interest in that venerable old world, which, to give it it’s due, is one of the oldest and most original RPG settings ever widely supported.

On top of that I am a self confessed d100 fan, almost to the exclusion of all other systems. These started with Runequest!

The acceptance, the need even, for 13th Age, as a direct foil to my preferred d100 style systems, has opened the door to 13G. So, a d20 D&D system and Glorantha combined. A heady mix for a simulation-ist gamer with no love of all things d20.

I feel, and some others seem to think the same, that 13A is possibly a better vessel for the over the top game style needed for a high-saga game world like Glorantha. It is a zany place, needing a very free and open style of game that scales effortlessly.

Come on in 13th Age.

Ironically the makers of the world itself have sometimes struggled to fit the world into d100 “realist” mechanics. The reality is, a character limited to the logical d100 game will really need to be a hero on a Heroquest, because they are up against the wall from the get go. Survival for these characters is going to be genuinely legendary, because of how unlikely it is. One unlucky hit and off goes an arm or even a head. Not un-heroic, but unlikely to spawn winners in proportion to grizzly deaths.

This prompted the creators to write Heroquest, a more story-driven style game, set as a looser power structure to allow the intrinsic RQ Heroquests to be accomplished more (less?) realistically.

13A takes the “squishier” D&D abstract mechanics and adds the needed story telling elements that will bring Glorantha alive. Unlike the new RQG set that is very heavy in crunch and finely controlled fidelity to the vast history it represents, 13G may actually be able to tap into the equally valid early 80’s feel of free flowing fun and explorative adventure many old players of Glorantha miss.

Using a new and more streamlined game system, 13A can empower players without being too weighed down by that massive legacy, but also be open enough to allow any player of any Gloranthan experience level to enjoy it at the level they need. For this 13G is a departure and a welcome one.

It got me in.

I am also intending to lift what I want to regular 13A, which is officially sanctioned by the writers who consider it a resource book for any world and maybe even try a cross-over (ancient pre 13A, ancient Age?).

Genuinely excited now, I was only an interested completist when I ordered it a few days ago.

It is a great big beautiful world out there, especially if you open your mind to new possibilities.

Armada; On Sadness And Moving Forward

Armada does look to be on the funeral pyre. Well the pyre is erected and the game is taking the long walk. The reality is, nothing survives forced hibernation except animals with an evolutionary imperative to, certainly not in retail anyway.

AMG barely bothered to recognise its existence in their “mini-stravaganza” (probably better titled “Marvel-Stravaganza”) and X Wing or Legion did not get much time in the spotlight either (little past the already leaked Razor Spine, with some outlines for the future-at least it has one). They did announce some rules amendments and campaign ideas, that have mixed (read apathetic) responses. Bit hard to lay down “the law”, when there is a suspicion you don’t care about or even fully understand it.

AMG have the distinction of effectively killing a miniatures game that has managed to be in most top five lists for most meaningful measures for the bulk of its short life. Another company could possibly survive on this game alone, but AMG seems to have no interest.


The dedicated will talk and play it for a good while, possibly longer than most would believe and some ships and even a few cards will become semi collectors items. Maybe this will be the ideal experiment for a “self sustaining game community functioning in a creative vacuum”.

I bought another Venator, because my GAR fleet just felt a little thin, especially against a huge swarm of separatist fighters and two large base opponents (these things deploy in battle lines and they are a little short of being full ISD style intimidators).

I may even get another GAR Pelta, again to balance the points disparity (although at a pinch I have my Rebel one), but I am really trying to resist building up the fleets to a similar size to my Imperial and Rebel ones, because there is just not the variety available. So no duplication of the two base sets…..yet.

I lament the lost opportunities for both prequel factions, especially the fighters and small ships that did not make the launch window and maybe an earlier CR-90, but most characters are represented in what is for me a less well known universe. Job done well enough I guess.

Ironically I first bought into the prequel factions to avoid doing them in X Wing. I tried to kill two birds, but ended up getting the earlier period Armada stuff anyway, because I really like the game. For the amount I eventually spent on Armada, I could have easily covered both factions in X Wing including the LAAT/i, Eta-2, Nimbus and Sith Infiltrator, that they are not now doing for Armada. Hindsight is a bitch.

Armada was always the aloof one, hiding in the corner, loved deeply, but only by a few who bothered to look.

Armada was always the aloof one, hiding in the corner, loved deeply, but only by a few who bothered to look.

TFA era fleets? Would have been nice.

The game is of course, not dead and never will be as long as people keep playing it (see the grand experiment above). I had decided I was cool with what I had anyway, but the thought of future scarcities did make me grab a couple of bits, especially as I have the lovely updated cards (Chimaera, Profundity, the second Venator and lastly the Interdictor, oh and that Starhawk was just added….and maybe another CR-90…. and a Gladiator…….). I will keep an eye out for the promised “re-prints”, because I would like another Raider or pair of Aquitens.

Despite gloomy forecasts, my own Armada interest is again healthy and still relatively fresh, so no real harm done, but it leaves me with similar feelings to those I had after the Olympus change of hands. I feel that I will likely move in another direction at some point, but milk what I have for as long as I can.

Maybe things will change. Maybe AMG will sell Armada to someone who (a) cares, (b) knows what they have and (c) knows what to do with it.


13th Age Mini Book Reviews

So, as stated previously, I have little love for d20 style games, but there are exceptions.

13th Age is one of those.

Looking at the books I own (most of what is available), I would like to do a very basic overview of what they offer and where they sit in the “desire or necessity” pecking order.

The Core Book and 13 True Ways are the building blocks of the game.

Obviously the Core book is required to play at all. To its credit, it does a good job of matching the three core books of D&D 5e, all in one book, mostly thanks to the smaller monster stat blocks, simplified equipment and weapon classes and the openness of the writing style, effectively removing the need for a GM’s manual. Not only that, there is a fully realised game world inside complete with Icons (ascended demigods) who have the potential to guide, aide or impeded story lines. Rating; Mandatory (I have 2, a sign I rate this game).

13 True Ways is not mandatory, but adds much. Apart from more classes (one is actually a one of a kind), it has information on a couple of the main cities in the default world (or an equivalent), lots more monsters (including a full section on Deviltry) and several take-it-or-leave-it rules options. Rating; Highly recommended to must have.

With this book and the Core rules, you truly do have enough to go on with, but……

The two Bestiaries, probably two of the best I have owned and I love Monster Manuals, are several resources in one. They have the required monsters, but each also comes with a variety of variants, adventure hooks, battle options and usually an entertaining story (Frog Folk, Briar Elves, Hell warped Beasts, just to name a few). Most come with optional ways to use them in any game world. Rating; Highly Recommended to Must Have, hell buy them on their own and convert them over to any d20 game.

If you are stuck for an idea, just reading one of their entries is usually enough to get things going.

The first book is a classic and I must admit to neglecting the second for a while, treating it as a poor second option. There are fewer individual monsters in the second Bestiary, concentrating more on developing variety within a smaller range and adding the same variety to previous foes. Lately though it has become my favourite, because the entries are deep and highly entertaining (Purple Dragon party animal anyone?). You get more long term, campaign defining ideas out of the second book, where the first does the regular denizen a day to day heavy lifting. Rating; Highly Recommended to Who Are You Trying To Kid.

A note on art style here. I love the Wayne Reynolds art in Pathfinder books, but found that system a drudge. In 13A I admit to having to warm to the art over time, but the writing and interesting nature of the creatures won me over and the art fits it’s task. I think some of the Pathfinder illustrations are actually better suited to the 13A feel (the over the top Barbarian with the massive sword for example), but I suppose there is nothing stopping me using the inspiration. When I parted with pathfinder, I did keep my Wayne Reynolds art book.

One that almost slipped through is the GM Screen and Resource Book. I have often been disappointed by screens, but this one is strong and useful, if a little physically flimsy.

The sleeper of the set though is the surprisingly solid GM Resource Book.

It has some really useful ways of dealing with some of the more bespoke problems that can come up in this and most d20 games, especially due to its more “indie” style story telling mechanics like the “One Unique Thing” or backgrounds. This is obviously a fix for unforeseen issues arising when people new to the concepts struggle and is a welcome addition.

It also has some useful ways of expanding the combat narrative, mostly using terrain.

There are also a chapter of evocative and entertaining NPC’s (Frog Nob is a fave, frogs clearly being an ongoing theme!) all aligned to an Icon, but again, you don’t need to cement anything in. Like most things in this game, there is a solid adventure or even a small campaign seed in each NPC.

Lastly they give you an oversized map of the Dragon Empire (hey, again you don’t have to play it as given), making now several copies in total scattered through the books. Rating; Highly recommended.

Next up are the three “Battle Books”.

I have promoted these up the order a bit, because they are so useful.

What you get in each is a series of interconnected combat encounters, each set linked to a level range and one of 4-5 Icons per book with enough back story to connect them (roughly 10-12 sets of 2-4 battles each or 40 odd per book). You can literally pick one up and throw a nights gaming at your players, use them as set-pieces in a campaign, or just mine them for ideas. Rating; Highly Recommended.

Oddly, these are smooth-mat finish covered, more like high grade magazines, but still perfect bound with gloss pages. Optionally you can also get map sets for these, but 13A does not need mats or miniatures generally, so I have not bothered.

The following three are likely a sign of things to come. They are smaller, more specific books aimed at themes or regions of the world in need of more detail.

The Book of Demons balances out the Deviltry section of 13 True Ways with their more chaotic cousins. It brings a class, The Demonologist, which adds a Warhammer “Old World” or even Elric feel to proceedings and makes the second “ambiguously” aligned character class after the Necromancer. Just fitting these two into your party can be a game in itself.

There is a section on Hell Holes, nasty blights on the land spotted around the Empire and of course lots of Demons and rules on how to handle them. Rating; Recommended.

The Book of the Underworld is one of the newer books, departing from full gloss pages, but sporting a glossy cover. It is still a very solid look at the Under World and its denizens. Probably my least favourite at this stage, but that may be subject matter or simply time taken to get to know it. This is often the case with 13A books. Rating; Handy to have.

My favourite of the three is the Book of Ages. Makes sense to look at these as the name of the game is the 13th Age, so what came before? You are provided with 12 very different Ages. There is no set timeline or even any hard rulings on the flavour of these ages, just lots of ideas, adventure seeds and options. I have always felt an affinity between the 13th Age and the Malazan books by Steven Erikson and this closes the loop. Erikson’s books span ages and now, so does 13A. Rating; Highly Recommended

Coming soon are similar books on specific cities, magic types, the walking Behemoths, flying cities, Elves etc.

The Loot books are good resources to have around. 13A gives you the tools and inspiration for full creative license and the game mechanics compel these realities. Magical items in 13a have personalities and there is a limit to how man you can carry before they start to complicate life (your level), but sometimes coming up with them can still be a strain.

The Loot books to the rescue.

The first one gives you plenty of the standard item types, all aligned to an Icon (again suggestions only). Some are a hoot and all are imaginative. Magic items in 13A are less common and more powerful than in regular D&D, with dire consequences if you over do it. Often hilarious, dire consequences. Rating; Recommended.

The second book Loot Harder is to me as useful, just differently. Rather than just being a quick resource, this one goes into more detail about items in general rather than specifically, which makes sense (following a similar pattern to the Bestiaries). There are plenty of Items in this book, but also more powerful options and a feeling of tinkering flows through. Rating; Handy to have.

Maybe the first is best for the GM just wanting a bit of quick help, the second for the more creative GM, wanting to use the items included as a base only.

Now, the adventures.

I am not usually one for buying published adventures, being more of a “sandbox” GM (which 13A also supports well, is even possibly designed for), but the reviews on Eyes of the Stone Thief wore me down and to be honest, I just love having another 13A read around. What a resource. Not only is there a lot (I mean a lot) of depth to this full developed adventure/campaign/life’s calling, but as usual it spawns adventure seeds in all directions, then offers some really cool characters and monsters.

The very nature of the Dungeon has such a unique way of hooking characters in. The thing moves around and eats cities, towns and the like! Tends to piss people off and lure treasure junkies. Not only that, it is never the same place one expedition to the next as the insides move as well as the whole. Rating; Highly Recommended as either player or GM and a great resource for other games.

If someone said to me “I would like one really good adventure to play and system to run it with, just to say I have done it”, I would, against all likelihood and in the face of my own general preferences, recommend a d20, D&D based combo of 13A and Eyes of the Stone Thief (second would be either one of the AIME campaigns or Warhammer 1 or 4e and The Enemy Within Campaign).

Shards of the Broken Sky was going to be, I hoped, a second Stone Thief.

It is not, but it is still good. The scope and physical book are smaller, the location fixed (but weird enough) and the feel is less compelling. Against the Stone Thief, that comparison is probably unfair.

Compared to any other D&D style adventure it is imaginative, fun and full of all the good stuff. This is more of an “explore the lost (fallen) city for forgotten treasures”, where the Stone Thief is more of a “rid the world of a serious menace, while you explore the lost cities found inside….”. Rating; Nice to have to Recommended.

Not mentioned is the little Shadows of Eldolan adventure book aimed at low level characters and beginner GM’s. It’s fine and shows the game in a more investigative vein, which is helpful. Rating; PDF this one.

To come….Glorantha (mainly because I don’t have it yet, but it is on the way). From what I know at this point, 13A is a good fit for the over the top, high saga play of Runequest/Glorantha, possibly an even better fit than the d100 version it was made for (Ironic really as I don’t have any interest in d100 Runequest, the progenitor of my usual preference).

I hope this is a help to someone looking at this game. I bought it at a time when I was a rampant collector/completist and any good review was usually enough. For a long time the base book sat amongst many others unused, then just as I was about to let it go in one of my regular culls, I bought 13 True Ways on holiday* and that cemented the relationship. I even listed the whole collection again recently in my big clear out, but thankfully it did not sell (bargain folks, nobody out there?). Kept now and no regrets. Even if I do clear some games out, this one will stay simply because I like it, against all odds.

My constant struggle with d20 games has its moments of nostalgic, main stream, low stress acceptance, as does the desire to occasionally just play a high octane heroic level game. 13A scratches both itches perfectly.

Why I Dislike D&D, But Can Still Like 13th Age

I am on record as saying I do not like D&D style games.

I am also on record as saying I like 13th Age, a D&D spin-off written by D&D veterans.



Possibly, but it for me, it is a case of what I generally dislike in D&D style games, is applied in a more focussed, relevant and acceptable format for me in 13th Age. I guess it’s a case of if I am going to rub against my normal grain, then I want to go full grind, and revel in the difference.



Levels are used in a few RPG’s as a logical, clean and controllable measure of game “height”, but are inherently fake. Many RPG’s that came after D&D discarded the level dynamic, preferring to embrace incremental skill and ability increase.

13A however, handles levels in a few ways that help me to deal with them.

Levels are reduced to ten only, allowing you to use each as the rough span of a light weight novel (so basically 1 level per campaign “book” or year in serial format). This can be a complete short campaign, a group of thematically linked adventures or part of a larger campaign. This effectively makes levels a system of story layering, in a less micro managed way.

There are no experience points, removing overt accountancy and replacing it with more abstract, GM driven, turning points (see above). For the GM this means pacing replaces player bean counting and system manipulation.

Levels really mean something, but they are also flexible enough to be used as a guide only. You can fast track them or not, but either way, each level should mark a memorable period of a saga, not just one of many speed humps in the career of a character (see both points above).

Levelling up can also be applied incrementally, which is not new, but is called out. What you gain per level is not a broad gamut of detailed improvements. It is an increase in base capabilities with a few feats, class features etc, that can be awarded as suits pre or post levelling. Spell casters are also streamlined here, not learning a ton of spells, but making the ones they have more powerful. I always struggled with the D&D model, feeling it was too much at once and too micro managed, but 13A calls it out loud and clear for what it is, a story growth point.

Characters in 13A are pre-destined to be movers and shakers, so somehow the levelling dynamic fits better for me. It makes the game feel like a TV or book series, helping define the style of game 13A is. If you want to simulate the book series, leveling will be at scenario end, for a more TV serial feel, maybe after 3-4 episodes.

Hit Points

Most RPG’s that I have had anything to do with have a form of wound or damage points. Most of my favourites though, go into more detail when it comes to damage, making wounds and incapacity scarier and more meaningful (and vastly more realistic). Traveller for exmaple reduces actual characteristics, d100 games have mechanics for limb loss or permanent scarring. D&D’s “soft” Hit Point totals have always been too abstract for me and characters feel less fragile, especially with recoveries and short term heal-ups, but in 13A it fits the OTT heroic feel. Rarely is our hero layed up for months at a time recovering from a lucky hit landed in a pub brawl, nor are they scarred in an unsightly manner. Warhammer 4e can inflict both of these in a flash, almost incidentally, in 13A a telling scar or impediment is very much a players prerogative, maybe even a “one unique thing”.

Characters, as cited above, are pre-destined. They are standout heroes, like the Winchesters in Supernatural, Harry Dresden, John Carter, Indiana Jones or Tarzan, who can get beaten up, but do not suffer breakages, long periods of down time or inconvenient impediments. Only in this high octane environment of Conan style heroic sagas does this work, so in 13A, I would not have it any other way.

This is a big shift for me. I love d100 style games with their realism over “squishy” abstract games, but in this case, I feel it is part and parcel of the difference and the very reason to have this game in my collection. Another first is my interest in Runequest/Glorantha, which up till now has held no interest what so ever (even as a d100 buff!). This feel fits Glorantha well, so 13A Glorantha is on its way (so much for down scaling).

If I am only going to have one D&D style game in my collection, this is it, because it is stereotypical D&D done on an epic scale.


I find classes, much like the afore mentioned mechanics above, to be fundamentally unrealistic. The limitations classes force on players are fine for one-off character roles, but whole swathes of the population drafted into these stereotypes seemed strained and pointlessly restrictive. Give me a skill and career system anyday.

Multi classing only adds insult to injury. Why have a structured class system only to find ways to subvert it?

So what is so different about 13A?

Apart from the imaginative implementation of classes in 13A (they all play very differently to each other, even to their own sub-classes), there are other considerations that help them sit well with me.

First up, as talked about already, the common theme here is where the characters fit in their world. Class is only a part of that. Each class is tightly honed, even extreme, which for some reason makes the whole class thing more relevant. As I have said before, 13th Age focusses D&D concepts in their own space perfectly for me.

The 13A character starts off as a powerful force, a minor legend in their cultural or geographical eco system who has risen to “local legend” status. Instead of being just a thief in their city they are the thief, well known/infamous, then they become part of a small group of similar standout characters called upon to do legendary things, not a loose guild of pre-structured careers.

The characters become paragons of a type, which seems a more logical expression of the class restriction, but still with enough room to be very different to others. Instead of restrictions, class characteristics become defining elements of this story, legend and character, not something the next similar character they meet down the road can share. You are a head above most, but on the occasion you meet someone with the same calling, there is room for them to shine differently.

Add to this the “background” and “one unique thing” mechanics and classes become only a single tool, if a sharp tool, of a fully developed character, rather than a looser confinement.

To nutshell it, classes in 13A are extreme personifications of paragon hero types, something to aspire to, not a dime a dozen grouping like abstract careers or guilds. They are unique enough to stand out, but flexible enough so no two are alike and many other forces are as powerful to character development.

Presentation and other stuff

I can honestly say, I have never read any roleplaying books that have stimulated my imagination as much as these, which goes for pretty much any of them. Ironially, I did not click with the art style at first, usually my downfall, but the overall thme and writing style hooked me and acceptance came belatedly.

Some of my favourite characters literally sprang off the page as I read an entry from The Stone Thief, or the Bestiaries*. Even a small entry in one of the Loot books can spark an idea.

Randomly grabbing any book, opening to an equally randomly selected page and reading what is found can be as rewarding as slogging through a whole other book or chapter. I have to admit here, I dislike reading long winded, dry rules and have been struggling to find a series of books that can keep my interest for long.

The openness and transparency of the writing, the humour and creative license granted to all involved to add to story telling, to then make your own using the mechanics supplied, comes through time and time again.

I think that part of my issue stems from a desire to write rather than read. These books have a balanced amount of both. You never feel like a rules interpreter or lawyer, more a disseminator and custodian.

I eagerly await a new 13A book simply for the read and happily re-read the ones I have.


So, for a gamer who has never taken to D&D (and I have owned some or all of Advanced, 2nd, 3/3.5-Pathfinder, 4th and 5th editions), why is 13th Age a keeper for me? Basically because if I am in the mood for a D&D fix, generally the opposite of where my moods lie, but possible, this does it better than any other, actually focussing the elements I generally dislike rather than softening them.

Next I would like to rate the different 13A resources I have.

*Two characters I have created as support players for new players in the Stone Thief campaign are a White Dragonborn cemetery custodian (Necromancer), who had his charge swallowed by the Stone Thief while he was absent and a Dwarf made Construct, built to protect a sacred tomb, woken after eons of semi-sleep to do just that. It then left to the under world as its makers are long gone, but is compelled to return to its tomb when the pesky Stone Thief ate that as well.

Story lines like this are part in parcel of 13A. You are encouraged to think big, to make a real impact on the story, shaping it, not just reacting to it. This empowers the player, but also allows the GM something to work with.